We are lucky now in Vegas, competition is rampant lol!
Pax is way out of line here, $60 for a 1/2 gram?
Do I look stupid, oops don't answer that, hahaha.
Got two buddy's have the Pax, gave it up for the Select Elite
carts & Mod with 1/10 wattage control.
Evic basic running af I think
They now use the Sai Ti cup when home &
now see how much oil they were going thru on their pens, lol.
Just a matter of money vs identical performance.
The Select Elite oils are Awesome from 85%-95%
taste great, clean, available in 1 gram & 800 & 500 mg
I get the 1 gram for $62 that's $74 tax out the door.
All glass & SS ccell. No brainier
$144 for a gram of Pax plastic cart or $74 for same.
PS( my buddy Mike, pulled of the arbor press top & refills
his before it gets to top of holes once with co2oil.)
So I get your view but it really varies as to how & where you
are being ripped off by these dumb ass corrupt politicians
who were against it before but now that they got their greedy
hands all over it are now messing it up with drool, lol.
I shop at Jardins as at Shango the same 500mg carts are $60 lol.
Buyer Beware of GREEDY Snakes in the weeds.
The prices will probably come down there in Nevada with more competition. I get half grams in California for $30 for my Era.
I always get clogs with 1g Ccell carts, is that not an issue for you?
I understand what you mean about the glass and steel, but not everything is as it seems! If you tear those carts apart I think you might see the Era heater is the one with higher quality...
We get Select Elite's here in California too. We also get their Era pods