Thank you and a good ideal grouping that info in a easy to find post right above this one

Somehow I missed this thread a lot of early info ended up in a few places. With now working on stempod profiles my mod discussions will be posted here.
Decided to keep software info separated between arctic fox and dna.
Arctic Fox info
Found a copy of arctic fox that works with my mac so order a new mod to use with stempod.
It look's like my mod will run AF. It's not listed as working on tubo
evic software. Seems the main plus for there is cruise. It a nice feature but it kinda turns a convection vaporizer into more conduction with a boost feature.
One of the pluses for me is the convection on demand heat. will be setting AF more towards that feature.
DNA Info.
First if you haven't read my other post linked above. Please at least adjust mods thermal settings and make sure mod resistance is right. Only take couple hours to run the case analyzer it helps with TC. The mod resistance should be able to google it.
Current favorite setup. If the splinter is cold I start in profile 1 that's my manual wattage mode. After a hit or 2 at 30 watts I switch to TC mode.
Watt profile set to 30 watt with 40watt preheat 1.69 seconds with 9.5 preheat punch.
Using SS316
TC mode set to 26watts with 45watt preheat for 1.3 seconds with 11 preheat punch.
Using SS316 coil material.
The setting allow me to pickup the mod and hit fire button. By the time it reaches my mouth it's at the temperature I set (420) The wattage is set at 26 watts using device manager settings to maintain same heat thru out the draw.
The device monitors is such a good tool. Well vaping I can test my draw see it in realtime. Watch what the temperature is. Allows me to adjust settings on what's most comfortable to me. The high preheat allow me to refire if I want a quick temp boost or at end of load.
Might need to shorten puff time to ride residual heat. For now just releasing fire button works.
This allow much more efficient use of batteries. It's only using the amount of wattage to get job done. With the dna250 chip having 97% efficiency and some tweaks I'm getting hundreds of hits off the 3 batteries.
Even debating about charging batteries in this mod. Read you shouldn't do that, but at same time has great charger in it. With custom setting for the battery set i'm using. Some concern about wear tear on usb connection. Have 2 matched sets so more than likely won't. But it's nice option.
Going reset puff count when finished getting settings perfected. Shooting for 420 puffs.
The custom FC themes coming together great. The splinters one in my avatar. My mod starts up with a ape to vape evolution screen, that followed by fuck combustion screen. Have profiles for sprinter with the icon and tweaks listed above.
If anyone needs some custom DNA themes battery cvs icon etc here's a link to download them.
If you like the fc theme pm me for copy. Here's where can make you own custom using Pixir.