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with far superior autocorrect, apparently.but there are now even Chinese smartphones looking and feeling sleekier than iPhone.
with far superior autocorrect, apparently.but there are now even Chinese smartphones looking and feeling sleekier than iPhone.
I haven’t seen anyone talk about this yet- but has anyone had issues with the button in manual fire mode?
To be more specific, around 10-30% of the time (it would vary wildly) when depressing the fire button, the device would suddenly stop heating. Acting as if I had let go of the button- only to reengage the heater in auto detect/inhale mode when I would let go of the button.
Hi! Glad you enjoy your Bowle, I'm still in my honeymoon myself, just love it other than the battery life which definitely is an issue on daily use.part 1-*read below*
I’m not sure where to start, all I can say is; Wow.
So this device far exceeded my expectations.
(Short backstory of how I went from laughing at, to obsessed with the bowle)
I had been experimenting with more and more expensive vapes until, a little over a year ago, I finally decided to get a mighty. I thought for sure then, that I had reached thermal extraction perfection, and was instantly hooked as a S&B fanboy. (So much so that I subsequently got a classic and hybrid volcano during different sales) Around 6months later, (when I got the hybrid) I was first made aware of the Bowle.I instantly recoiled in horror and unfamiliarity at this enormous puck with cup design, and wondered why anyone would go with this unproven $400 cup, with almost no battery life, over a mighty?! (As well as- why would I choose a battery limited device over my volcanos at home!?- I foolishly thought to myself)—
that brings us to almost a year later, (a month ago) and something told me to just give the Bowle a try. (Something about on demand convection allured me past my previous judgments)
I had been hearing great things, and it didn’t look like a Bowle v2 would be released anytime soon. Feeling secure, with POTVs refund policy to back me up if I hated it- I pulled the $400 trigger and It was exactly like everyone says-
You forget about the cup, the heavens open up, and a choir of angels sing as they guide you to terpene and ease of use heaven.
Then, after having your fill of the tastiest vapor, your greeted with a cup of liquid of your choosing, to cleanse the pallet before diving back into a pool of endless terpenes.
Well maybe not all that, but I instantly fell in love, and am still in a full blown honeymoon stage with this superb little machine.
The flavor and effects are fantastic, truly some of the best, not to mention its ease of use and consistency. It’s also a really ingenious design that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. (an ethanol/iso bath one a week for the pots and stem, but the oven never needs to be cleaned)
That, all considered, makes me completely forget about the shape, it’s still weird, and definitely not pocketable, but frankly, I don’t care anymore. I’d bring a whole suitcase with me everywhere if I had to haha (not far off with the volcanos previously..)
My mighty, Omni and volcanos have been gathering dust, and I suspect they will continue to do so for the foreseeable future/so long as I don’t need another replacement..
*So this got longer than anticipated, this is quite the device. To keep the relevant thoughts bundled better I split this into two parts*
Part 1- pros and my overall thoughts and impression.
Part 2- cons and my issues/concerns
..Which brings us to part 2:
This ALL being said, I did have to get a replacement unit. (And I do have some deeper concerns- will explain later)
I haven’t seen anyone talk about this yet- but has anyone had issues with the button in manual fire mode?
To be more specific, around 10-30% of the time (it would vary wildly) when depressing the fire button, the device would suddenly stop heating. Acting as if I had let go of the button- only to reengage the heater in auto detect/inhale mode when I would let go of the button.
Which was usually right after I was finished with the half hit it just gave me. (Infuriatingly wasting the battery’s precious, and limited, life twice in a row for each failure-which is why I was using manual mode to begin with, to conserve battery)
On the ‘new’ bowle, I noticed the button feels better. One of the reasons I sent the other one back was the button didn’t feel like a $400 devices button, it felt like a $30 device from China. (Felt slightly spongy, didn’t have a very crisp ‘click’ when depressed, and wiggled a lot in place)
The new one doesn’t just feel better, it clicks/sounds audibly better, and it feels sturdy, and doesn’t wiggle as much.
(I’m not sure if this is real or if I’m up in the night, more than literally)
So here’s where my surface concerns dive deeper- they claim supply chain issues have made batches limited/small, but I just noticed the Bowle I was having issues with, has a Much larger serial number than the ‘new’ one that seems to work great. (Replacement bowle’s serial number is in the 1-200 range, the ‘defective’ one is in the 700-800 range)
-this makes me wonder if the older ones where better, and if the newer ones are being rushed, and or issues like what I’m having are the reason for the second quarters shipment delay-
And unfortunately it wasn’t just the buttons, there where at least a couple, small but noticeable, defects/blemished on the ‘newer’ batch (first one with botton problems) Bowle- such as the lights, the third one was installed crooked, so when illuminated- it didn’t fully illuminate the whole circle/cutout, and the charger port had a nick near the charging port (machining nick or missed spot on the casting) (again all super nitpicky/small things, but at $400 after tax, this device demands a premium, and thus there is some expectation for it to be at least somewhat premium in build quality and QC)
All of this along with some of the screen falling out issues people have been having just has me a bit worried about what’s going on and the companies longevity in these rough times.
What are your guy’s thoughts? I’m interested to know if anyone has experienced anything like what I described, and peoples speculations or information on what’s going on up there over at Tafee headquarters
I'm not really sure why you use the manual fire mode. Your stated reason (saving battery life) doesn't seem evident to me. I press once and draw, so I use the other mode, and the light changes color less than one second after I stop drawing, so the sensor that automates the on/off modes is quite precise. So I'm not sure how much of the battery life you're saving that way, I doubt it would allow you to go with an additional bowl really. And the price for that tiny gain is more/faster wear of the button and mechanism under. Needless to say I haven't experienced this issue with my unit, partly as it's only a couple of weeks old, and also I guess as I don't use the manual mode?
Thank you, both for the welcome and the advice. Duly noted for the future.Welcome to FC! Nice write up, but You're not actually supposed to post back to back if you can fit it all in one post (I think you are below the character limit?) Anyway the above has been mentioned here, usually related to the draw sensor and finger on the button pressure... I haven't had that problem in a long time myself based on those factors
Hi! Glad you enjoy your Bowle, I'm still in my honeymoon myself, just love it other than the battery life which definitely is an issue on daily use.
I'm not really sure why you use the manual fire mode.
One issue I do see with mine is that it doesn't seem to work well with my poorer quality local weed (I live in Congo). The difference with regular Sensi weed is that is comes with branches, plenty of seeds, much much dryer, and when smoked with joints has less effects. This being said, when I use it in the Bowle, I can't seem to get even the thinnest vape and taste with it. In my volcano, I get thinner vape than with my good weed, but I can still have one useable balloon (versus 2 with the regular weed) on one capsule. I wonder if it's because the Bowle doesn't heat as high, or because the Volcano is hybrid heating versus pure convection with the Bowle? I've ordered a Tinymight, waiting for it to be produced and shipped.
The sensor on mine is not that good, if I use the automatic fire, just pressing the button once, take my hit and stop inhaling, it does not shut off right away... So instead while I am inhaling, I tap the button twice again to shut off the auto fire, sort of hybrid automatic manual usage this way![]()
I'm no expert at all but when I've produced lower quality weed, or it's too old...I've found I get better results with a conduction type vaporizer (dynavap at the time, Fw7 today).One issue I do see with mine is that it doesn't seem to work well with my poorer quality local weed (I live in Congo). The difference with regular Sensi weed is that is comes with branches, plenty of seeds, much much dryer, and when smoked with joints has less effects. This being said, when I use it in the Bowle, I can't seem to get even the thinnest vape and taste with it. In my volcano, I get thinner vape than with my good weed, but I can still have one useable balloon (versus 2 with the regular weed) on one capsule. I wonder if it's because the Bowle doesn't heat as high, or because the Volcano is hybrid heating versus pure convection with the Bowle? I've ordered a Tinymight, waiting for it to be produced and shipped. Once I'll get it I'll try with that unit, as it goes up higher in temperature. Would really be a bummer if that one doesn't work either, as I can't get the geed weed when I'm out in the field, I only have access to the local one then. It would make my journey out of combustion much harder. Eagerly waiting on my TM to get to know the final word on this!
Solution to this is to just hit it until it times out - big rips!
I've had the heater shutoff prematurely during button press hits a few times, but I quickly learned to press the button with authority at all times (lol), and it's generally been fine for me. I have a pretty early unit (Jan 2021) so it was interesting to hear what @HughJass had to say about the difference in models/serial numbers. My SN ends in 418 for what it's worth.
I feel the same way, and I would be so sad if they stop production/went out of business.I would be very sad if Tafee went out of business/my Bowle stopped working. I don't think there's a great replacement out there right now for what this thing brings to the table. Absolute convection powerhouse and the most user friendly vape I own. The dry cooling really cannot be emphasized enough. Truly game-changing IMO.
I second this Atoum, a moderate moisture content or conduction heat seem to be the trick to more vapor production.I'm no expert at all but when I've produced lower quality weed, or it's too old...I've found I get better results with a conduction type vaporizer (dynavap at the time, Fw7 today).
I've been using the Tafée Bowle as my daily driver for the last month.
I have not once powered on my EVO.
For more than ten years, I have been vaping solely via water. There was no other way for me. It was everything I wanted and needed.
Then Tafée Bowle came.
Even when I had gotten the TinyMight, I used it solely via water, it just worked better for me, but when I have gotten the Tafee Bowle, I felt that finally, I don't need water to filter the vapor.
And with the additional passive cooling in mind(the system that also makes me drink more than I usually do), it feels like heaven.
I kept using water for a month or two, but eventually, I stopped using water and moved entirely to the Tafée Bowle (I still use the TinyMight with the XL stem, dry as well!).
It is fun to be free of all the cords and glass pieces. It is fun to have a simple cup on my table. No more mess, no more paying for broken glass, and all of the enjoyment still.
The future of vaping is here. Join in.
Thanks for this hint. I'm definitely planning on getting a dynavap during these summer holidays once I get to Belgium. I'm very intrigued by how it works. Plus I'll take one of those electrical heaters so that I can get the hang of how it works easier, before later trying with a good lighter.I'm no expert at all but when I've produced lower quality weed, or it's too old...I've found I get better results with a conduction type vaporizer (dynavap at the time, Fw7 today).
maybe a track to dig...?
I wanted to follow this up. I was so mad, and so bummed to not have my Bowle after it malfunctioned. I'd come to depend on it and yeah, I felt burned but it was partially my fault. I got a VMAX V3 Pro, which was only my second device. It's been great- it's a solid on-demand device with good vapor and I really like it a lot. I said i was DONE with the Bowle. Period. Well, anyone who has one knows I've missed it and I had wondered, because I do get so much vapor at low temps on the V3, if my original puck may have just had some defect in the first place, which can happen with anything really, but there's no way to know. My lungs were shot when i first got it and it really helped them to get better over the past year in any case. Long story short, after the Bowle died and me not having a backup was a wake up call so I ate some crow and am getting a new puck, hopefully next week. I'm also hoping the new puck gets me ripped the way the V3 does - in any case, I'm back on the Bowle bandwagon....I am pretty sure some of you knew I would be once I cooled off. Their customer service was very gracious about it as well.So listen, If you get a Tafee Bowle, check the oven screen regularly to be sure it isn't out of place. I'm seeing this may end up being a recurring problem with the design and it's what happened with mine. For some reason I never got much, if any visible vapor when using this thing even after my lungs got stronger after quitting combusting so I think I had a bad puck from the beginning. For all of your sakes, don't touch the screen if it should shift, and it probably will....send it back under warranty immediately.
As for me? I'm DONE with Tafee Bowle and feeling a bit ripped off at the moment. To those whose screens have shifted, good luck and I hope they honor your warranty.
Yes.. but actually no. It’s more than just a rectangular shaped metal tube, at the top and bottom are supports for what I’d describe as “cooling rods”.I dont think they ever had retailers for parts yet. But you can Just cut it to the desired length though?
And I also would like to know more.Does anyone know if the stubby stem is available at any online US retailers? I’ve been waiting awhile to get one from the Tafee site, but every time I check they are out of stock. Do they have specific restock dates that I am just missing? Thanks![]()
Where are you basedI wanted to follow this up. I was so mad, and so bummed to not have my Bowle after it malfunctioned. I'd come to depend on it and yeah, I felt burned but it was partially my fault. I got a VMAX V3 Pro, which was only my second device. It's been great- it's a solid on-demand device with good vapor and I really like it a lot. I said i was DONE with the Bowle. Period. Well, anyone who has one knows I've missed it and I had wondered, because I do get so much vapor at low temps on the V3, if my original puck may have just had some defect in the first place, which can happen with anything really, but there's no way to know. My lungs were shot when i first got it and it really helped them to get better over the past year in any case. Long story short, after the Bowle died and me not having a backup was a wake up call so I ate some crow and am getting a new puck, hopefully next week. I'm also hoping the new puck gets me ripped the way the V3 does - in any case, I'm back on the Bowle bandwagon....I am pretty sure some of you knew I would be once I cooled off. Their customer service was very gracious about it as well.
In the Deep SouthWhere are you based
Hey guys,
Just a question, I've seen there is 3 sizes for the stems. Is there any difference between the 3 of them regarding flavor and cooling?
Hey guys,
Just a question, I've seen there is 3 sizes for the stems. Is there any difference between the 3 of them regarding flavor and cooling?