Well to be clear these are based off other designs that are originally not my own haha sort of clones but different and I tried to help them make them different so they weren't complete clones at least, but yeah I was in contact with them and gave them advice along with requests
Wow, that's really cool!

It's good to know that I'm talking to the master himself here!
So that is just describing the percolator in those pieces, fol means flower of life, which is the name of the laser cut design, it is a pattern of slits and holes facing upwards, which I refer to as fountain head style (technically shower head would be facing down but the terms are not always used this way)
Ok, thank you, got that. Kind of...
Fab stands for fabergé egg, as that is another type of rig, specifically straight fab has the cylinder in the center in a tube style piece as you see, that cylinder is then full of swiss holes to become a fab... This offers extra cooling as a dry pathway, complex surface area obstruction, or if you load enough water the fab can become part of the perc in a more natural way (this offers more variety and gives it a bit more recycler style function although I prefer less water or dry with TM personally, they do work really well as a dry rig especially for TM)
Wow, this really is a whole new world for me. As a Swiss person, I was only familiar with Swiss holes. However, this was in a completely different context (sorry for being stupid

Pubescent jokes aside, thank you very much for your comments and explanations. It would be a lie to say that I now understand it all 100%, but it certainly helps me. I still have a long way to go - but I'm looking forward to it!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
Haha yeah that's just the terminology, it's basically another mini bubbler for another perc, the idea is that it would get dirty and keep the rest of the bubbler cleaner (there are also dry catch meant to be used without water and personally what I like instead is drop down adapters that can accomplish similar goal with better form factor and features imo)
And yes there is no ash haha but they are originally designed for smoking so that's why they are still called that regardless (my point was you don't need to bother getting it with that fc mod piece though some people did, you can save money without it)
Ok, I actually understand that. I worked in a head shop 25 years ago (vaporizers weren't really an issue then) and we also sold bongs with these ash catchers, as far as I remember. However, I didn't really care about the finer points of a bong back then. We were only interested in getting high as quickly as possible. We were young and not connoisseurs.
No problem! Yeah that is the tricky? Haha I think it depends how you might want to use it and you don't know yet exactly? So it might be a good idea to wait until you can try the globe, then let me know how you feel about it, and I can give you a better suggestion of which one of these would be the best next???
Otherwise honestly it is pretty tough to go wrong with any of them, I can go into more detail describing the differences, but it is a little arbitrary without your own frame of reference I suppose...
Yes, that's probably a good idea. If only it weren't for that annoying GAS...
If you want to try just one, I think the inline honeycomb is a really fantastic all-around option for water use, it was one of my early pickups and works well with everything, decent size and nice smooth hits with some flavor retention... New Klein could be a bit smoother with the recycling and also carry the flavor a bit better, but you need really good air flow with it, so it can be a bit more limiting and might not work ideal with everything, but should with TM... FC mod is also great with everything and nice balance with flavor retention minimal but decent diffusion, simple pathway and modular, basically it is a much better version of the globe in my mind... And so is the FC199, that is kind of a combo of globe and straight fab... But I think the smaller straight fab might be better for TM? Versatile to use dry, or for smooth hits with water, decent flavor retention but not as much as the FC mod or new Klein... Hope that helps! I guess I did just give you a rundown lol
And just when you've convinced me to try out the Globe first and only then continue shopping, you make the pieces tempting again.

And then the prices are also so attractive. And they deliver free of charge! Hmmm...
I just like the looks and simplicity of that one:
EDIT: If I were to buy this bong, which model should I choose? I see 5 variants, which differ in terms of colors and other details (under slites, side slites, with bowl, with quartz, 14mm, 18mm etc.). Unfortunately, I have no idea what this means (I know the colors, of course - I mean all the other details

And another question: I would like to use my bong with TM2, Mighty+ and DynaVap (later also Tempest). I have already bought a 14mm adapter for the TM2 from Sneaky Pete, which adapters do I need for Mighty+ and DynaVap?
Would those adapters work?
https://a.aliexpress.com/_mOtF3Jw (DHgate has something similar but doesn’t ship to Switzerland)
Or something like that?
You're walking into a world where people are VERY particular.
And VERY nerdy. And I, coming from video games, tabletop games and e-cigarettes, where "nerdy" is state of the art, love it! Nerdy is sexy!
At the end of the day, you liked it when you bought it. I'm sure you'll love it when you use it
It'll be perfect for your portables and will do exactly what you want it to.
Aaaw, that's sweet of you to say!

I'm really looking forward to it too. It's also nice to know that there are still improvements to be made and that I didn't just buy the best piece on the market. That way I can work my way up.
You won't be disappointed with the globe, I have waaaay too much glass including several globes, and one of them is on my main station right now with a Tempest in it! I really like them personally, and there is a lot of personal flair involved in what style of glass you will like the most.
Oh, you already own a Tempest? I'm also planning to buy one as soon as it's regularly released. I'm glad to hear that the Tempest works well with the Globe!
This one first, because you can pull it apart and simply chuck it in the dishwasher to clean,
DHgate.com offers high quality saml glass 34.5cm tall glass bong matrix smoking water bong headshow percolator ash catcher water pipes joint size 18.8mm pg5036(fc-mod) under the category hookahs with unit price of &price;.
Then this one, it works with anything, incyclers/recyclers usually need more airflow to work properly,
Nice, thank you very much for your advice!

I particularly like the second bong, it doesn't look as "complicated" as the others. I'm just a beginner...
Thank you all very much for your tips and support! It's really nice to be given a helping hand here. Many thanks for that!