
Pranayama; of a sort.
I'm wondering now… would it be right to say that TA with Revolve Stem is a kind of an analog tempest (no Clic, no VI) ?
TA and TEMPEST seem to come from the same field, but TA escaped to a full airflow control from the bowl (version 4) whereas Tempest didi with a full airflow control from the stem ?

Is my simplification going in the right way ?
The TA on the Revolve stem is kind of what you say, its a oven with no bells and whistlers on a stem with almost all the features of the Tempest - it's how I use it. The Tempest has airflow control on the cap, there is a stainless steel sleeve that you can rotate to increase resistance on the cap - in addition there is the other airflow options via the stem - most of which are similar/the same as the Revolve Gen 2

BUT I wouldn't really recommend using the Revolve Gen 2 or the Tempest with the TA unless you get a Tempest wooden sleeve.

It won’t have the heat shield which is pretty crucial I imagine. I’m using a TA on a simrell wood stem and it gets hot. The good news is I think the stem would get to hot to handle before I got to combustion levels of heat.
I have used the TA on the Vortex and its manageable but the wooden sleeve on the revolve is better insultated / thicker wood and doesn't get as hot - you don't need a heat shield as long as you have the Wooden sleeve.


Well-Known Member
After reading this thread I think the TA is what is needed. Thanks for all the input :D
I was looking for the TA at the usual EU Based Vape shops but no one had it in stock?!
Can someone please enlighten me on how to get one or maybe two TA in Europe?
A further question is regarding the stem for the TA. Do I need to order the original wood stem or are there other stems and options existing?


is (most likely) vaping
After reading this thread I think the TA is what is needed. Thanks for all the input :D
I was looking for the TA at the usual EU Based Vape shops but no one had it in stock?!
Can someone please enlighten me on how to get one or maybe two TA in Europe?
A further question is regarding the stem for the TA. Do I need to order the original wood stem or are there other stems and options existing?
DM @phattpiggie and he'll sort you out.
The new TA is now sold without the stem, so every 8mm stem you have will work. I'd only avoid metal stem as they can get quite hot with the TA,


Well-Known Member
Am I correct in thinking the TA3 doesn't have any sort of an indicator?

Am I also correct in thinking that the Tempest will have an indicator?

I had a hell of a good time playing with the Stunner last night, but trying to use it today is more difficult cos of the daylight and the difficulty in seeing the flame colour change. If either of these other "portable ball vapes" has an indicator so I don't have to concentrate on the flame colour, and so I can mindlessly use it during the day, it'll be an instant buy.


Big and Bouncy
Am I correct in thinking the TA3 doesn't have any sort of an indicator?

Am I also correct in thinking that the Tempest will have an indicator?

I had a hell of a good time playing with the Stunner last night, but trying to use it today is more difficult cos of the daylight and the difficulty in seeing the flame colour change. If either of these other "portable ball vapes" has an indicator so I don't have to concentrate on the flame colour, and so I can mindlessly use it during the day, it'll be an instant buy.
I have a Stunner but only use the Wand to heat it since it acts like a timer. Set it to the roast you like (higher temp = longer time) and let it heat until the Wand times out and you'll get the same roast from a cold start every time. For back to back bowls I just heat with the Wand manually while drawing to test for vapor and I stop heating when it comes.

Maybe you could test for vapor by stopping and drawing every 5-7 sec or so while you're torching and just stop when the vapor comes. It's easier to do this with the Wand since there's no big flame close to your face and you don't have to stop heating.

I found the Stunner very forgiving though. I've overheated it with the Wand before and almost combusted but as soon as I tasted a bit of scorching, I just stopped drawing and let the tip cool a bit before drawing again.


Pranayama; of a sort.
Am I correct in thinking the TA3 doesn't have any sort of an indicator?
There is no indicator (temperature feedback) on the TA3. There "might" be one for the TA4 depending on demand PP may design one but its not for sure (this is how I use it) for me its more a timing thing as I count to 15 seconds in my head (both to maintain concentration and also because it seems to be the sweet spot from cold), the bonus is the oven is always the same, the black turns cherry red in the same timeframe & if it doesn't it needs a clean.

Am I also correct in thinking that the Tempest will have an indicator?
The Tempest has temperature feedback features in the form of both click discs that go off at abut 170c and 210c and a visual indicator that you can use to get real time feedback as to the temperature of the oven within a range of 100c to 240c. The indicator even is available coloured so if you want a bright green one it comes withe the green Tempest titanium kit.

I had a hell of a good time playing with the Stunner last night, but trying to use it today is more difficult cos of the daylight and the difficulty in seeing the flame colour change. If either of these other "portable ball vapes" has an indicator so I don't have to concentrate on the flame colour, and so I can mindlessly use it during the day, it'll be an instant buy.

Without the feedback features the Tempest is harder to use than the TA3.

The TA3's size (by that I mean thermal mass) takes a lot more energy to heat to optimal temperature and this provides a bit of a buffer, you can keep heaping for a little longer (or shorter) than usual and still be ok as it takes a lot of heat to make a difference in the temperature of the oven. This buffer makes it hard to combust (unless your not paying attention or really trying to ride the line) but with the Tempest, a little too much heat (a few seconds) can scorch the bowl - its usually best when you overheat the tempest to stop, wait for the temperature to decrease - before hitting it - I go into more detail in a separate post (here).

These feedback features, being both a realtime visual temperature guage and auditory click discs, gives you the best possible chance of getting the optimal experience, each time you use the Tempest.

For ease of access here are some examples of the features I am talking about in the Tempest

Overview - Tempest click disc's and visual indicator

Using the VI In the wand

Heating and reheating using a Triple flame (with click discs and visual indicator as a guide more info)

** Note : I got the the discs and visual indicator very recently after my OG beta device was damaged; the click discs are not the final ones - but the VI is (both are accurate) & my wand is faulty, 260c is WAY to low to heat the Tempest on any other wand, recommendation is to start at 290c more information can be found in the manual (here)
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Well-Known Member
I wonder, does anyone know the science of why these devices get you so blasted compared to other vapes?

I love my Anvil, it's an incredible heavy hitter that gets me where I want to be. But the Stunner is other level. I can only use it at night cos, as I said the other day, it melts my face when I use it (I'm also not very good at judging the flame in daylight.)

I don't quite understand why though - is it just the difference between full convection vs combination conduction/convection?


Well-Known Member
why these devices get you so blasted compared to other vapes?
Balls my friend, balls
sexy video art GIF by Zita Nagy


Pranayama; of a sort.
I don't quite understand why though - is it just the difference between full convection vs combination conduction/convection?
I am just playing with ideas...

The TA has the capacity to be a hybrid (either convection dominant or a hybrid of convection and conduction, depending on how you use it) but its not just a convection vs conduction vs hybrid argument, I think the heat retention and temperatures are probably more important.

When I use my TA3, I take it to much higher temperatures (cherry the stainless steel which is over 400c if I remember correctly) than I do with my Tempest and those temperatures and maintained for much longer - the Tempest for example stays at peak heat for up to 70 second and then cools down in a minute or so; the TA3 goes a lot hotter when I heat it (to a cherry), it stays at vapour producing temp for up to 90 seconds and takes like 10 minutes to cool down and I usually re-heat it and keep hitting it for about 2minutes and 40 seconds (based on the last video I took).

That combination of the higher temperatures, that are maintained for longer due to the additional heat retention would facilitate the conversation of THC to CBN and other sedative compounds... and the amount of conduction increases over time in the TA and Stunner from what I have experienced which is another way of maintaining temperatures for longer.

but I really don't know :)
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Well-Known Member
trying to use it today is more difficult cos of the daylight and the difficulty in seeing the flame colour change.
It’s definitely better in dim lighting and cool to see that cap glow! With this one, I mostly use timing as the maker recommended a large torch to the tip for approximately 20 seconds. Sometimes +/- a couple seconds depending on the flame has worked for me since day 1 ;) Tigole’s rec above on a mid-heat draw works too.
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Well-Known Member
I have been looking at these 3 TEDs recently, nice to see it has a whole thread.

I think I'm leaning towards towards the TA.

The Tempest was really...tempting for me mainly for the visual indicticator. From what I've read here it seems there has been quite a bit of failures with the spring mechanism, and seems kinda a pain to fix. The Tempest also appears to be out of stock for the next 9+ months anyway (you can still buy the head though as you would with the TA)

The TA seems to be rather fool proof. More mass and heat retention than the Tempest, and more forgiving. Its also nice to go with the tried and true OG.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking at these 3 TEDs recently, nice to see it has a whole thread.

I think I'm leaning towards towards the TA.

The Tempest was really...tempting for me mainly for the visual indicticator. From what I've read here it seems there has been quite a bit of failures with the spring mechanism, and seems kinda a pain to fix. The Tempest also appears to be out of stock for the next 9+ months anyway (you can still buy the head though as you would with the TA)

The TA seems to be rather fool proof. More mass and heat retention than the Tempest, and more forgiving. Its also nice to go with the tried and true OG.
Depending on your usage, the visual indicator can be valuable. If you like to spend the bowl in one heat up, then it won't be of much use since the click does the job similarly. If you like to do multiple heat ups, then the visual indicator is important as the click sometimes takes too long to cool down. However on the second heat up you must heat it to a lower visual indicator level than on the first heat up, meaning it is not like a temperature indicator in an electric vape in terms of accuracy.


Well-Known Member
I have a Tempest, a Thermal Accumulator 1 and a Thermal Accumulator 3. They’re all very very similar in terms of the hit and the effects.

The Tempest is what I used when I want to reheat it before it’s cooled, because it has the visual indicator.

I use the TAs with a water piece, and I prefer hitting them once and then waiting for them to cool all the way down which takes almost ten minutes.

The Tempest stem is amazing, and worth getting for using these portable ball vapes without water. A similar one can be bought separately, it’s called a Revolve 2.

The madheaters Reload is the other essential accesory for these portable ball vapes. If you like to vape away from your desk.


Well-Known Member
I have a Tempest, a Thermal Accumulator 1 and a Thermal Accumulator 3. They’re all very very similar in terms of the hit and the effects.

The Tempest is what I used when I want to reheat it before it’s cooled, because it has the visual indicator.

I use the TAs with a water piece, and I prefer hitting them once and then waiting for them to cool all the way down which takes almost ten minutes.

The Tempest stem is amazing, and worth getting for using these portable ball vapes without water. A similar one can be bought separately, it’s called a Revolve 2.

The madheaters Reload is the other essential accesory for these portable ball vapes. If you like to vape away from your desk.
Do you find the 3 offers enough to make it worth it. I bought the 1 and have been eyeing the 3 but can't really figure out why other than I like to buy stuff
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Well-Known Member
Do you find the 3 offers enough to make it worth it. I bought the 1 and have been eyeing the 3 but can't really figure out why other than I like to buy stuff

No I’d say they’re all very similar.

I bought the TA1 when it first came out because it was a whole new kind of vape. I bought the Tempest because I love the TA and it seemed to be the most refined version of this sort of thing.

Phat Piggie sent a free TA3 for supporting the original product launch. The TA3 is better because you can adjust the airflow. But it’s still pretty similar.

If I were buying from scratch I’d go for the Tempest with the stem, and the reload to go with it. Those three make the ultimate portable ball vape kit for me. Then if I wanted another heavy hitting portable I’d go for an Anvil instead.
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Phat Piggie sent a free TA3 for supporting the original product launch. The TA3 is better because you can adjust the airflow. But it’s still pretty similar.

Wait what? Are you saying that you got a free TA3 for buying the original TA?


Well-Known Member
Wait what? Are you saying that you got a free TA3 for buying the original TA?

Are you about to go ask for free stuff from phatpiggie? I was chatting to him and one thing lead to another. I don’t think he’s giving out a whole bunch of free vapes, but I have no idea.

The point I was trying to make was that I wouldn’t buy all three of these vapes today if I didn’t already have them. But I love them all!


Active Member
Avoid the Stunner, it’s almost identical to the TA but the machining on the tip sucks. Cap doesn’t tighten down evenly on the tip, the tip fits very loosely in any 9mm stem that I have, the hole isn’t centered on the cap, and it’s $5 more than the TA. I would wait til the TA is available again.
Have you tried the Tempest, a lot of people are saying to wait and get that as its kind of the new TA. I'm notnso sure but that's because I'm still edging towards a TA or TA4 unless there's already a TA5

I'm particularly interested in hearing whether there's much of a difference between the TA3 & TA4. I don't understand the device enough to really understand the differences looking at VGoodiez.

It's worth checking Wesley's site if you're keen on the Stunner. I managed to get a Dani F 2.0 & a Stunner in a pretty well priced combo. (I'll also get the Tempest upon official release, so I think someone would have to tell me something pretty extraordinary to go with a TA3 or 4... My VAS is pretty bad though, especially since I've fallen so hard for Thermal Extraction Devices.)
Yeah for IH vapes, I've a Dani Fusion 2 and a Vestratto Tornado love them both for different reasons .
I've also been looking at these new IH pen style ball vapes. Apparently Dynavap has one now too called the THC that you use with the HyperDyn bowl.
I'm edging towards the Tempest now although before reading this I was leaning towards a TA or the new Dynavap THC. So thanks to everyone for their honest input and thanks Flow for asking the question in the first place. Hopefully this one is the one to end my VAS.🤣. They sure sell out quickly.
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