
Well-Known Member
Hi all. (if this relates to an open topic, i'm sorry i made my search on the forum but didn't find informations in one single thread…)

In search for a PORTABLE BALL VAPE, i came across these 3 TED.
My aim is to find a "robust butane powered heavy portable convection hitter with balls" (RBPHPCHWB…:D:D) and i prefer DTL draws.
I don't mind going full analogic, as my best vape so far is an analogic one (SSV still rules them all ! ^^)

So my conclusions so far :
TEMPEST is the Shiniest to my eyes, but i'm fed up with watching the thread and still waiting for it to release… i guess i'm jealous... ;D
STUNNER seems to be neat and fine,
THERMAL ACCUMULATOR too, so i wonder…

If you have at least 2 of them, or even "the holly trinity", would you please share here your toughts on these devices ?
Wich one do you prefer and why ?
Thanks !


SEARCH for the treasure...
You might be interested in the thread link below:



Well-Known Member
Thank you for starting this thread I have the same question. The ball vape thread has a rather broad focus and is 45 pages...

I need a vape with the same specifications you mentioned. Two older guys I know both +60 have sever health issues and waiting for four more month or even longer isn't a good option. Would be also nice if there exists a smell proof box or bag. Another plus point when the device is easy to load and maintain without fiddle around.


Well-Known Member
There’s some comparisons but maybe not the exact ones you’re looking for in this thread:

You could probably also ask there if anyone has all 3 to compare.


Well-Known Member
Avoid the Stunner, it’s almost identical to the TA but the machining on the tip sucks. Cap doesn’t tighten down evenly on the tip, the tip fits very loosely in any 9mm stem that I have, the hole isn’t centered on the cap, and it’s $5 more than the TA. I would wait til the TA is available again.


Well-Known Member
Stunner is more of a blunt type experience for me whereas the Tempest is more joint like. Obviously a size difference in the caps and stem(s). I really like a one snap with the Stunner through a decent sized rig with water. The bowl is pretty cool too since it's a bit shallow, but large in diameter. Tempest by far native with all the cooling and configurations. It's no slouch through water either and it's masterfully engineered! Don't have a TA, yet .. seems like it might be something in-between ish?


Pranayama; of a sort.
I like the sound of my own voice or something....

I have 3 of the 4 below

Tempest - is the most complete and probably advanced device. It has "all the bell and whistles" from different airflow options, airport options, click discs, visual temperature gauge as well as a bunch of features you didn't know you wanted. With a convection bias, the Tempest has one of the better flavour profiles of the devices below. The Tempest iscompatible with existing ecosystem of 8mm stems and accessories. It also offers great compatibility with induction heaters as the Tempest heats up and cools down quickly, this enables for quick reload and multiple bowl with very little wait time. The stem of the Tempest comes with different sleeve for different cooling, insulation and looks, my favourite combination is the Tempest wooden sleeve & the helix tube (airflow options) this makes the Tempest have the coolest vapor of any stem based vape. The Tempest stem is 8mm compatable so its compatable with the TA, Anvil USA and dynavaps however its a little overkill for dynavaps, some of the features of the Tempest, like the isolated mouthpiece (isolated from the airpath and doesn't get hot) isn't really needed for Dynavaps but is really useful when doing back to back bowls with the Tempest/TA. The Tempest also comes with adjustable airflow options on the cap to increase or decrease the draw resistance as well as an adjustable bowl with 2 settings, however the Tempest's bowl is also a little different from the rest of the group as the bowl is partially isolated, the top section doesn't come in contact with the walls of the cap keeping the herbs protected during the heat up process (protecting those volatile terps) but allows for some conduction from the bottom of the bowl to help ground the signature.

The Tempest is my go to during the day or when ever I get a new flower and want to really taste every aspect of the plant. Its also my go to for rayon/cotton and concentrates with the VI and click discs allowing for really good temperature management.

(Link: Tempest & TA3 comparison)

Thermal Accumulator (I use the TA3) - is a powerhouse... its a forgiving, efficient and complete extraction beast... The Thermal Accumulator comes with a cap and bowl, the cap like the Tempest has adjustable airflow to be able to increase or decrease draw resistance as well as having an adjustable bowl with different sizes. The TA is again compatible with the existing ecosystem of 8mm stems and accessories - but unlike the Tempest the TA is less compatible with Induction heaters due to the amount of calories required to heat the device to the required temperature. I prefer to use the TA with a large torch for quick heat up. The TA is quite forgiving when heating as the sheer thermal mass of the TA is sort of a buffer as it takes a lot to heat it up. The cap of the Thermal Accumulator is directly connected to the outside of the bowl allowing for a lot more heat to directly conduct from the cap to the herbs in the bowl - this gives the TA a more hybrid feel with the ability to choose the level of conduction by the length of your session. This also means the TA takes a long time to cool down, up to 10 minutes, however there is a Magsink accessory from Phattpiggie that decreases the cooling time to 3 minutes approx.

The TA is my pick for that heavy, physical / "stoney" experience and my go to at night to get that nice heavy feeling to relax and get to sleep better. As the TA isn't a complete device I have paired it with the Revolve Gen 2 (the precursor to the Tempest stem) to get all the features of the Tempest stem (with a few differences)

For higher flow, more water pipe use instead of on a stem there is also the VerdaVap (has 8mm stem options)

VerdaVap - is a complete device made in Australia, that is built around the "water pipe" experience and to be that stepping stone for bong smokers to switch to vaping. Its a (currently) built in stainless steel 304 and has a 14mm WPA (wooden with a stainless steel lining), handle and its heat matrix is filled with Rubies. The VerdaVap also had an optional 8mm adapter (available) and stem (in development) and also will have a bubbler option as well to fit the primary configuration (in development). The VerdaVap is different in that there is significant steel in the oven which provides the same sort of buffer as the Thermal Accumulator allowing for some additional control over the heating process which designed to be done with a Large Torch which is available on the site (the site is currently in presale). The VerdaVap like the TA takes a long time to cool down, there is a cooling solution in development to help decrease that time. As the VV isn't magnetic it isn't compatible wiht the Magsink however the larger (14mm) scrub woofers heat sink stand helps a lot.

The Stunner is my least favorite as it doesn't provide any additional utility; however that simplicity might be an attractive concept to others.

Stunner - breaks from the 8mm standard with a 9mm default connection & in order to use 8mm accessories requires an addition purchase of an adapter. It has different bowls (rev b) but separate purchases. It has different airflow options but you have to buy different caps instead of providing an adjustable option in a single cap. Its bundled with a carbon fiber stem that is unlined that I personally don't like. That being said its a large housing with a bunch of balls (zrc or sic) that performs well from the feedback I have read; its just not my preferred in this group, as it isn't really innovative, doesn't really have any new or advanced features and wasn't a huge deviation from the devices that inspired it originally.

"robust butane powered heavy portable convection hitter with balls"
I have to say the Tempest would be my pick to take that title. The Thermal Accumulator (TA) is a little more of a hybrid but that's use dependent - the Hybrid kick is just something else though and for sheer extraction power the TA takes the title. The good thing though is that the conductive roast isn't instant, the first draw still has a strong flavor forward hit, where as after that it can lean towards a conductive toasty roast (depending on how you use it).
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El Duderino

The Dude abides.
I like the sound of my own voice or something....

I have 3 of the 4 below

Tempest - is the most complete and probably advanced device. It has "all the bell and whistles" from different airflow options, airport options, click discs, visual temperature gauge as well as a bunch of features you didn't know you wanted. With a convection bias, the Tempest has one of the better flavour profiles of the devices below. The Tempest iscompatible with existing ecosystem of 8mm stems and accessories. It also offers great compatibility with induction heaters as the Tempest heats up and cools down quickly, this enables for quick reload and multiple bowl with very little wait time. The stem of the Tempest comes with different sleeve for different cooling, insulation and looks, my favourite combination is the Tempest wooden sleeve & the helix tube (airflow options) this makes the Tempest have the coolest vapor of any stem based vape. The Tempest stem is 8mm compatable so its compatable with the TA, Anvil USA and dynavaps however its a little overkill for dynavaps, some of the features of the Tempest, like the isolated mouthpiece (isolated from the airpath and doesn't get hot) isn't really needed for Dynavaps but is really useful when doing back to back bowls with the Tempest/TA. The Tempest also comes with adjustable airflow options on the cap to increase or decrease the draw resistance as well as an adjustable bowl with 2 settings, however the Tempest's bowl is also a little different from the rest of the group as the bowl is partially isolated, the top section doesn't come in contact with the walls of the cap keeping the herbs protected during the heat up process (protecting those volatile terps) but allows for some conduction from the bottom of the bowl to help ground the signature.

The Tempest is my go to during the day or when ever I get a new flower and want to really taste every aspect of the plant. Its also my go to for rayon/cotton and concentrates with the VI and click discs allowing for really good temperature management.

(Link: Tempest & TA3 comparison)

Thermal Accumulator (I use the TA3) - is a powerhouse... its a forgiving, efficient and complete extraction beast... The Thermal Accumulator comes with a cap and bowl, the cap like the Tempest has adjustable airflow to be able to increase or decrease draw resistance as well as having an adjustable bowl with different sizes. The TA is again compatible with the existing ecosystem of 8mm stems and accessories - but unlike the Tempest the TA is less compatible with Induction heaters due to the amount of calories required to heat the device to the required temperature. I prefer to use the TA with a large torch for quick heat up. The TA is quite forgiving when heating as the sheer thermal mass of the TA is sort of a buffer as it takes a lot to heat it up. The cap of the Thermal Accumulator is directly connected to the outside of the bowl allowing for a lot more heat to directly conduct from the cap to the herbs in the bowl. This also means the TA takes a long time to cool down, it takes quite a while to cool, up to 10 minutes, however there is a Magsink accessory from Phattpiggie that decreases the cooling time to 3 minutes approx.

The TA is my pick for that heavy, physical / "stoney" experience and my go to at night to get that nice heavy feeling to relax and get to sleep better.

For higher flow, more water pipe use instead of on a stem there is also the VerdaVap (has 8mm stem options)

VerdaVap - is a complete device made in Australia, that is built around the "water pipe" experience and to be that stepping stone for bong smokers to switch to vaping. Its a (currently) built in stainless steel 304 and has a 14mm WPA (wooden with a stainless steel lining), handle and its heat matrix is filled with Rubies. The VerdaVap also had an optional 8mm adapter (available) and stem (in development) and also will have a bubbler option as well to fit the primary configuration (in development). The VerdaVap is different in that there is significant steel in the oven which provides the same sort of buffer as the Thermal Accumulator allowing for some additional control over the heating process which designed to be done with a Large Torch which is available on the site (the site is currently in presale).

My least favorite is the Stunner as it doesn't provide any additional utility.

Stunner - breaks from the 8mm standard with a 9mm default connection & in order to use 8mm accessories requires an addition purchase of an adapter, has different bowls (rev b) but separate purchases, has different airflow options but you have to buy different caps instead of providing an adjustable option, recommends a carbon fiber stem that is unlined that I personally don't like...

I have to say the Tempest would be my pick to take that title. The TA is a little more Hybrid but that's use dependent - the Hybrid kick is just something else tho and for sheer extraction power the TA takes the title but its first draw still has a strong flavor forward hit, where as after that it can lean towards a conductive toasty roast (depending on how you use it).

Great read, thank you! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
I'm particularly interested in hearing whether there's much of a difference between the TA3 & TA4. I don't understand the device enough to really understand the differences looking at VGoodiez.

It's worth checking Wesley's site if you're keen on the Stunner. I managed to get a Dani F 2.0 & a Stunner in a pretty well priced combo. (I'll also get the Tempest upon official release, so I think someone would have to tell me something pretty extraordinary to go with a TA3 or 4... My VAS is pretty bad though, especially since I've fallen so hard for Thermal Extraction Devices.)


Pranayama; of a sort.
I'm particularly interested in hearing whether there's much of a difference between the TA3 & TA4. I don't understand the device enough to really understand the differences looking at VGoodiez.
My understanding from talking to PP is that the top unscrews, the weight is different / heavier and it requires a slightly different technique to heat it... I never actually asked about the different technique - I decided I just like the TA3, it works just how I like it. I don't need to take it apart, I don't need to change the balls and if I did the screens easy to install and replace but it cleans up a treat with an iso soak so.... & I like the heating method...


Well-Known Member
I love my Stunner as a device, for the record. I posted some reviews early on in my days on the forum (which was, like, two months ago). I have the original without the airflow cap but I do not feel the draw is very restricted at all so I have not needed to upgrade.

I got my Stunner alongside a Dani Fusion 1.0 for a wonderful holiday deal from Wesley's Pipe and More (absolutely AMAZING customer service, by the way). I had some questions about the ethics of the Stunner since it was seemingly named after the device used to slaughter pigs, and appears to be an intentional dig at PhattPiggie since there was some bad blood and the Stunner is very similar to the original Thermal Accumulator. My view on the business ethics of the maker has declined since my initial questions, and I do not feel it would be appropriate for me to continue to support that maker, but that is entirely a personal consumer decision and others may feel differently.

My Stunner is the only ball vape I currently own, although I plan on changing that once the Tempest comes out. I do also want to pick up a VerdaVap and potentially a TA3 with its superior airflow control but those are purchases for much later this year/next year since I just spent a fair bit on an Inductor and Convector XL (which will be shipping soon). I exclusively use a Big Buddy Blazer now (although I have used the Wand with success in the past) and the device definitely has a manual, slapdash, stoner engineering feel that some users (myself included) appreciate. The thing is simple, and damn if it isn't effective. Because of the large bowl size and because of how powerful it is as a ball vape, the Stunner is the device I use most for friends. It handles parties of four to ten users just fine as long as you are careful about decapping and have a good leather slip. It also is just freakin' powerful, so when I have just a single friend or two over--which is almost every weeknight whereas parties are maybe once every two weeks--several of my friends request it. It slaps the hardest of any of my vapes and that initial face smack is comparable to something like my Peak Pro with the 3DXL chamber.

It is worth mentioning that I am not exclusively a ball vape user. I cycle through all of my butane devices and with that Inductor on the way I imagine that I will be doing even more testing with my various Dynavaps and Dani Fusion, and I have started using my Vaphit a bit more. I like different vape profiles for different moods and times of day, and sometimes I just prefer to switch it up and use a device I haven't in a while to make sure my technique and recollection of the function has not diminished. Vaporization for me is a special interest and my vapes are all toys that I like to share with and show off to friends, so I constantly tinker and do not anticipate ever buying an "endgame" vape that will put me off of future purchases since I like the experimentation. Endgame heater in the Inductor for home use, sure, but "endgame vape" defeats the point of trying different vaporizers for me. I will let others like @VapingYogi with multiple devices weigh in, but from what I have seen, the Tempest seems to be the most "polished" and refined out of the available options.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I'm particularly interested in hearing whether there's much of a difference between the TA3 & TA4. I don't understand the device enough to really understand the differences looking at VGoodiez.

This is the post announcing them, that lays out all the details between the different models:
There is further discussion on it if you can skim through


Big and Bouncy
Its bundled with a carbon fiber stem that is unlined that I personally don't like.
The stem is lined with 316SS. It's just wrapped in carbon fiber to keep your fingers cool. It works very well for me, even for multiple consecutive loads.
The thing is simple, and damn if it isn't effective. Because of the large bowl size and because of how powerful it is as a ball vape, the Stunner is the device I use most for friends. It handles parties of four to ten users just fine as long as you are careful about decapping and have a good leather slip. It also is just freakin' powerful, so when I have just a single friend or two over--which is almost every weeknight whereas parties are maybe once every two weeks--several of my friends request it. It slaps the hardest of any of my vapes and that initial face smack is comparable to something like my Peak Pro with the 3DXL chamber.
This has been my experience too. It slaps and it retains heat so long that you can share it with friends like a blunt. It was my most powerful vape for a while until I got the Terpedo from TRWW or my DBV baller where the bowl size is like >0.5g. Ridiculous!
Vaporization for me is a special interest and my vapes are all toys that I like to share with and show off to friends, so I constantly tinker and do not anticipate ever buying an "endgame" vape that will put me off of future purchases since I like the experimentation. Endgame heater in the Inductor for home use, sure, but "endgame vape" defeats the point of trying different vaporizers for me. I will let others like @VapingYogi with multiple devices weigh in, but from what I have seen, the Tempest seems to be the most "polished" and refined out of the available options.
Agreed about the Tempest. I also enjoy vaping as a hobby and I enjoy the science around vaping so it's natural to want to keep pace with the changes. I do feel like I'm slowly circling in on some "endgame" type vapes, which in my mind just means I will own them for quite some time and my collection will be stable for perhaps years.

Currently my "endgame" desktops are satisfied by a DBV baller and a CouchIog. I've been rocking an AVLP and IQ2/Dynas/Stunner as my outdoor rotation but recently pulled the trigger on a Solo III and waiting anxiously to receive it. This guy looks special and I'm hoping it will be my "endgame" portable for many years. Right now, it looks so versatile that there's no use-case I can see it couldn't handle.

Feels really weird for me bc the OG Solo was my first ever vape back in like 2013, so I've come full circle.
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Pranayama; of a sort.
Have the first TA, latest TA and the Tempest.
Stunner to me is a bad copy of the TA.
In truth the VerdaVap, Tempest and the Stunner are all copies or variations on the OG TA’s design. We probably wouldn’t have them had there not been an OG Thermal Accumulator - and arguably the TA wouldn’t have existed if the Dynvap hadn’t come before it.

Madheaters/Brenyo has always been open with the heritage/collaboration that went into the original design of the oven - which I really respect - especially given the huge amount of time and effort Brenyo has put into the design of the Tempest to take it from that early design to the stand out that it is with features none of the others have attempted.

If I’m honest with myself can’t pick a favourite between the Tempest & TA oven’s, I like them both for what they are and they complement each other really well.

The TA is so much more forgiving, hard to combust

It’s probably the only device I haven’t yet combusted in…


Well-Known Member
I only have the TA3. Its amazing.

The Tempest seems cool, but apparently less forgiving and it seems like it's more cleaning involved. The TA is very hard to combust, its truly very forgiving and works really nice with the wand.

Haven't used the stunner, but. the whole 9mm ecosystem seems a bit silly too me, and also the maker didn't really show himself in the best light when it was released.

PhatPiggie is a really cool guy and I´d support him any day.


Pranayama; of a sort.
I have a TA3, am going to get another one and a TA4 just because its different

I assume you don't reheat during a session? At least for me, as forgiving as the first heating cycle might be, reheating during the same session is very tricky (IMHO) and has caused combustion for me a few times already.
I reheat during a session, I still haven't combusted but its probably pure fluke luck, I don't heat the same when I re-heat and I heat from cool and I've been lucky enough to not combust yet.... yet - it always happens it just hasn't yet.

PhatPiggie is a really cool guy and I´d support him any day.
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Well-Known Member
I'm wondering now… would it be right to say that TA with Revolve Stem is a kind of an analog tempest (no Clic, no VI) ?
TA and TEMPEST seem to come from the same field, but TA escaped to a full airflow control from the bowl (version 4) whereas Tempest didi with a full airflow control from the stem ?

Is my simplification going in the right way ?


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering now… would it be right to say that TA with Revolve Stem is a kind of an analog tempest (no Clic, no VI) ?
TA and TEMPEST seem to come from the same field, but TA escaped to a full airflow control from the bowl (version 4) whereas Tempest didi with a full airflow control from the stem ?

Is my simplification going in the right way ?
It won’t have the heat shield which is pretty crucial I imagine. I’m using a TA on a simrell wood stem and it gets hot. The good news is I think the stem would get to hot to handle before I got to combustion levels of heat.
I’m interested in the new v2 Dani fusion as well which may be something to consider.
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