Yeah @Morty , has your scehduled T break been postponed momentarily? I know how that can happen, but hey no harm in being flexible right? Living in the moment and being free is equally important as reaching the ideals we set at times. I expect you will get to it. I was the same last week with just a vapor break, I never said I would not use edibles daily when desired, but just stopping vaping was like breaking from an addiction!
I finally did it on day 4, but I was actually tempted last night to hit some vapor as my lung infections are starting to improve quickly from my treatment course already. So I could easily get away with vaping, in the past that was an impossibility at these times. Better if I can hold out though for the next 3 1/2 weeks.
And @Morty , I was waiting for the @Hogni , I mean @jerusalem artichoke, I mean @philadelphia swiss cheese, I mean @Hogni joke again!

I finally did it on day 4, but I was actually tempted last night to hit some vapor as my lung infections are starting to improve quickly from my treatment course already. So I could easily get away with vaping, in the past that was an impossibility at these times. Better if I can hold out though for the next 3 1/2 weeks.

And @Morty , I was waiting for the @Hogni , I mean @jerusalem artichoke, I mean @philadelphia swiss cheese, I mean @Hogni joke again!