Okay, now I get it....
@lazylathe have I been using your glass tube backwards?

I always load on the larger side of the pinch! Can fit way more...up to .15g-.2g, and can do it a bit looser so airflow is more open.
So there would be no reason why the gong posted by grey area would not fit/work correct? Think i'm going to have to pull the trigger on that, as I feel it may even be better than those metal all-in-one adapters I posted previously that aren't being made anymore. Pure glass baby!
Vapehunter, mark me down for even a few more.... i'm presently on a break, but my girlfriend uses my supreme every night, and last night she cracked the glass tube! I was like WTF? Called her out on it this morning, and she's like yeah, sorry I placed the supreme down and it hit the tube. The odd part was that it cracked at the end of the tube INSIDE the supreme? No chips/breaks, just cracks at the end so aesthetic only (unless it meets the granite again)!
I think she's going to have to get her own supreme. She's torching the silicone retaining the temp probe a little too frequently for my liking!
But, she has also tried many, many vapes due to my VAS and like me prefers the Supreme over all of them!