will the larger brick flame intake fit into a jr? also @SB if I order the 28th will it get shipped out or will you guys still be busy with champs as I wanted to buy the express shipping to get it this week thanks
You can order one now from puff it up, My maple just shipped from them.
I will give this oil treatment a shot when i get mine to see if it prevents that spot.
Hmmmm, no sign of any burn spots on inside of my walnut, it actually shows no visible wear. Considering I run .5 to 1 grams in my Jr each day now, mine seems very durable using a full rotating flame on flare intake with the Eagle lighter. All I do is brush the inside and blow any small abv out, also put an extra screen in mp area for min cleaning.
I just bought a beeswax candle and mineral oil that I will mix to give my Jr a good finish!
Any specific type of quality butane suggestions out there? Zippo 5 pack on Amazon looks decent I guess...
Any specific type of quality butane suggestions out there? Zippo 5 pack on Amazon looks decent I guess.
You're welcome!@Vapor_Eyes great pics!! That most have been like a going home party for the splattered maple!! Thanks for sharing!
I took out my screen and gave young junior a good clean for the first time cuz I was getting some airflow inconsistencies. It was like a load of brown sugar under there! Like exactly brown sugar consistency lol. Got to clean these guys regularly it seems haha.
My maple has slight charring and had a slight woody taste that has mostly gone away now unless I push it too hard. I kind of like the wood taste so did not bother me at all. There will be a slight "burn in" period on these type of vapes and as you master technique I would say.
Also I got a more powerful torch that I use for the Brick Senior and now I get crazy clouds.
Junior does much better with a small torch
My junior technique is awesome now micro dosing or larger session bowls.
Last night I packed some fresh herb took a small hit then went to bed. This morning I got the best hits off the junior from the previous nights now dried out load.
Sticky "I can't believe it's not combustion" Brick Labs
@6079Smith I'm glad you're enjoying the technique. The Junior certainly packs a punch and hits me quickly too.These are too cool! The top one kinda looks like Brickzilla towering over a forest, lol. Just ready to devour trees. Scarred Bricks in boles, shrooms, early fall colors.. beautiful.
Speaking of devouring trees, I'm having a lot of success with your recommendation! Where I thought I'd been redlining things with my draw/torch before, I hadn't even hit the powerband. I've got my torch adjusted down to where I'd have to try hard to combust and am still blowing massive clouds by really ramping up my draw toward the end. Love the added versatility of use and it was a good reminder that honing one's technique is never quite over.
Jr's just been killing it as a portable for me, no other portable gets me where I want as quickly. I certainly don't enjoy using them as much. I love that I can sip and draw a bowl out with low temps or just crush it in a few lung-busters when the situation or mood dictates
@6079Smith I'm glad you're enjoying the technique. The Junior certainly packs a punch and hits me quickly too.
Here's some bonus footage from the cutting room floor:
Nice picture!Another shot of my junior
Nice video, those hits were massive!