Biggest shout-out to
@StickyBricks for unbelievable customer service.
I now can confirm that the walnut has no wooden taste issues - and I'm already saving up for a Maxx.
Guys being on the fence - get on it! If you're looking for a butane powered instant full convection unit, this is gold!
Some hours ago I had the biggest and most massive hit of my life with this one. I was coughing so hard, I had to run for some water to moisten my throat to continue exhaling and gaining breath again... WOW. That was insane. Such a hit dry... Good that I sat on a chair while using it - it would have floored me.
Craziest part was when I took a look at the bowl. Even greenish-light brown, NO CHARRING... WTF?!!?
(Biggest hit until then was a GH @ max thru water - this one was DRY and on another level!!!)
@Vapor_Eyes technique, paired with some torch movement: Held the outer flame at a distance and drew on the slower side, then approached the flame to the intake a bit and accelerated draw when I felt there was something more going on and going further with the torch, hard continuous draw.

.... held in

... almost chokin

... and exhaaaaaaaaaaalee... tried to breath in.. coughcoughcough... vapor everywhere.. shit.. need air, need water.. exhaaaalee coughcoughcough...vaaaaaporrrrrr.... gulp gulp gulp.. breath in - breath out.. still vapor, and even more coming. Shit, what's this? Yes, I know, it's still vaaaaaaapoooooorrrraaaaahhhhh-- coughcoughcough... breathing in--- BIG SMILE

... relaxxxxxxx

Pure taste throughout the hit. This is the real deal Sticky Bricks Experience everyone is talking about... I'm so thankful, I feel blessed with this one !!!

Can't wait to get big brother Maxx.
It's weird this one only has 24 pages... Grab your cash and go for a walnut,guys!

Love and peace