Unknown Member

As a Tampa Bay Lightning fan, this is tightening my new cargo shorts.
Looks freaking awesome.

I'm with you @disGRUNTled , stoked hockey season is back.
I'm buying one. No doubt about it
I was neglecting my SB jr lately, just took it out yesterday and paired with a big bubbler and felt in love again: huge deliciuos clouds and soo easy/fast to use
Thank you @disGRUNTled it was you in FP thread who gave me the envy to take it out of the vape closet
Only bad point for me is cleaning, the vapor path isn't very polished and this makes it complicate to rub with iso cotton tips. Also original screen get gunked fast because of stirring, with mighty capsule I can avoid stirring and this helps a lot to keep it cleaning free
Maybe a SS vaporpath thin tubing could be implemented one day?
Nice to hear! Which screen did you place in which position?
Hey there, if you can figure out the OG, you can hit the SBJ.Hello to all Brick Lovers,
I'm a butane lover because i feel it's a bit more ecological than batteries, it doesen't need electronics, and power stays pretty consistent with time.
I had to go to butane powered vapes, so i first gone through a vapcap M.
I can't say that i'm fully satisfied from it, i have a very deep breath and can afford to take big hits before caughing. But it does the job and i end up pretty high. Vapor is harsch and ritual isn't as fun as a whip.
I'm coming from a HerbalAire that i owned for 2 years, so i can understand that it's hard to beat the clouds it could produce. And i think i enjoy sessions vapes too.
So i read the entire thread of the Jr, and was pretty convinced that i could take something useful from such a unit.
But i'm coming here for some help because i don't seem to enjoy this beautiful tool as much as all of you:
My problem is the vapor production. Taste is phenomenal. But i can only have small hits with poor to medium vapor. I can not seem to take full hits because there is inconsistence in the vapor production process. (I know that is must be because i don't operate it in the good way, rahter than a fault of the unit itself)
So either i can have some vapor, or either i get closed to combustion, or even combust.
I tried, as somes of you advertised it as a solution, the "screen mod", so i tried to put another screen just under the bent intake, but it didn't worked at all, and if i tried with the screen just before the heating chamber, it would allow me to avoid combustion but not take big hits.
I also tried some variances with the flame lenghts, also with the draw speed, but can't seem to get satisfied with this unit.
I was allowed to try The Brick from my brother (well, i gifted him one), and waouw, i took instant huge hits, and was pretty baked from one bowl.
I really would like to have some love for this Junior, it is in Iroka wood, beautiful, and maybe i will have some room for him if i can get it on how to use it properly.
PS: i din't came here for this, but any owner of a OG brick could tell me if it happens to him too: The steel tubing & the steel ring placed after the heat intake both keep coming out of the unit, either it falls down or get attached to the herb chamber.
Is this normal with a new unit & will get fixed with time, or should i contact SBL?
Hey VV, try this, it's what I wrote up a while back for someone else.....
Hey VV, try this, it's what I wrote up a while back for someone else.....