Received my Jr this week and have had a blast getting to know it.
I literally lol'd at the size of this thing when I opened the box though. Who's fucking pocket is this fitting in? was my first thought.

Have to reinvest in some cargo shorts.
This thing is pretty freaking awesome though once I got the hang of it. The hardest part was getting enough flame going in to produce a good hit. Was gun shy coming from the Flip brick that combusts if you look at it wrong. The Jr. you have to pretty much get the flame right up in there and draw harder. I have yet to even come close to combusting or charring with the Jr. Brilliant.
I did notice kind of a ghost hit or two with a couple strains, then they got rolling after that, producing nice clouds. Don't know if those first couple hits were drying/curing the load up proper or what.
Loving it so far. After a couple days I've gotten used to the size as well.

Thanks to all in this thread for helping me decide to get one of these. Added to the rotation for sure.
Here is mine next to my Flip posing as Jr's Mini-Me and also dwarfing my Dynastash.