That looks like it could either use a bit more purging, or a better filter/screen.
Somethings awry.
Anyways, my actual intentions for reviving this thread were to
discuss the benefits of vaccuum purging in the erlwerld.
I know TokeCity and FuckCombustion are quite connected. A member, D-note, there put up a great
write-up on vac-purging and a discussion has ensued there. It's not necessary 'new', as certain individuals have been doing this for some time, but it appears to have finally hit the mainstream or at least accepted by multitudes as a beneficial piece of knowledge.
I'm fairly convinced it's a great advancement in purging technique. The only potential 'drawback' is requiring to buy something else, and investing a bit more time (potentially A LOT more time if you get a manual vaccuum hand-pump). The benefits are all in the product; cleaner, stronger, stable & safer. That is what us oilheads are after, right?
I got a Freshsaver Foodsaver and have purged one lil' run with it, and 'cleaned up' what I had thought was some of my best errl yet; it made it better!
(These are the exact pictures from TC, so you aren't missing much from me; lots of other folks have posted their information and pictures which I don't feel like regurgitating here.... scope it for yourself!)
Place Foodsaver ontop of mason jar (I've since started using a smaller, jelly jar, about half the size). Adapter required isn't picture, but it isn't even 100% necessary depending on your tab size, which we will get to.
These are the seals I use;
It's just electric tape with a small strip of parchment/wax paper.
Borrowed from this blog.
This is about as good as I got for an action shot.
On my last batch I was unable to balance a camera, while safely vacuum the jar, surrounded by expensive glass. :/
But anyway, what happens is the oil puffs up as a vacuum is created, and all the butane is literally sucked right out of the oil. Something to do with vacuums lowering the boiling point of things, and basically ambient temperature removes the butane. If the container you are 'vacuuming' is placed in a shallow dish of warm water, the heat will accelerate the process as well with no harm.
It's recommended to do a normal spray technique (outside) and hot water purge for at least a few minutes to avoid dealing with foam, and minimize butane indoors. From there, scrape it up and place it into a dish for a lot of foamy action, or alternatively you can purge as normal, and then apply a vacuum to 'clean' up your oil. What you thought was 'purged to perfection' might surprise you! (<---- I'm not alone in this statement....

I'd like to hear what folks at FC think!!!!!