So first forgive me for catching up on a 4 page post all in one post but here it goes... I hope that I am not breaking the rules by mentioning the Zion vaporizer in this thread as a manufacturer but I thought it relevant to the topic. Moderators, please let me know if I am out of line.
A. Try the Firefly. Huge clouds, pure convection, even smaller than the Crafty.
Not sure I agree... seems like the Firefly Boro load chamber would take on some heat from that 1200 F element especially with the preheat?... I don't own one so I could be wrong.
Do you think that there is such thing as pure convection vaporizer?
The zion design is close. The heating element is practically "hanging in space" with only incidental contact with eht glass joint insulator tube. I have a dispersion screen (adds turbulence) that we are in the process of optimizing the distance away from the load that it sits. However, it does suggest that he majority of radiation stops inside of a 1/2" from heater element to load. It's my experience that the screen will take on heat making the device less efficient as any heat absorbed by the device is wasted. However, the screen can only take on a temperature less than that of the air steam so the radiant heat is eradicated for the most part. Same with the load chamber, it can absorb heat from the air stream but will always be at a temperature less than the air steam so should have negligible effects the vapor... that is assuming you don't have the bowl intimately connected to the heater device... The Zion does not, same as the solo. Always good to have the load in the removable mouth piece for reason no?
So other than the tiny radiant heat from the dispersion screen in the Zion is pure convection.... Air steam is flowing... button is pressed... heater element only delivers convection heat to the air steam (some inefficiencies through the borosilicate heat chamber minimized by silica & wood insulation) and
passes through the dispersion screen creating turbulence and then entering the load. The button is depressed 3 seconds prior to draw end to remove the heat from the heater extending the draw and minimizing the heat that stays in the device to make it hot. So, in my humble opinion, yes, pure convection

However, you can cheat and depress the button and preheat the element with some convection into the boro joint) so that it is "fire hot" ready... I prefer to enjoy the first subtle tastes as the device "wakes up" through the first draw
I don't think there's a device out there that moves the load far enough away from the heat source to avoid some radiated heat. Also, as sticks mentioned, inevitably the screen (if there is one) and whatever holds the load heats up and adds a degree of conduction. In some designs—the FV inverted for example—these effects are minimal, but they are still there.
We are working on this with the Zion to combat high center over darkening. Initially I believed this was radiation effects but I did an experiment where I moved the load far way from the heater and still had the center browning. This made me conclude that it is the velocity drag on the OD of the lead chamber do the laminar flow effects on outer diameters of the load... Thanks @Stickstone for the discussions on laminar flow

So, I am now trying some flow disruption / selective blocking theories to try to rid the dreaded center biased dark browning action.
For shits and giggles I sacrificed a bowl of White Fire to run the "no draw for a session" test with my Crafty as I've done with several other vapes.
(Fresh herb on the right for comparison)
I believe this to be the down fall of the conduction method. Doesn't this mean that as it heats up and when you are not drawing on it the essentials can be wasted vapor? If ABV, is that dark doesn't that correspond to a relatively high temperature? How do you remove chlorophyll without elevating the temp?I need to google chlorophyllase lol. Would be curious to see what an RTD would read if it was placed in there?
So, I think that there is one more category of Vape which is:
5. On-Demand Pure convection vaporizer that has a detachable bowl and is therefore free of any conduction. The convection source could be steady state or on demand so I guess you can argue for two more cats
For me I am an athlete so healthy vapor is my main focus. So, with conduction you always seem to get that last nasty tasting dry your tongue out dirt hit. Its like dark roast verses light roast for me. For me it is more about uniform vaporization in a slow methodical method starting at low temps and sipping my way through a nice load of lavender. Its about the ability to have really fine control and "sneak up" on that delicious golden brown ABV... no bits green, no bits charred. Yum
Don't get me wrong I do enjoy cranking a unit up to 11 and rocking some convection clouds lol.
(Teaser Zion vid...real deal informative video should be out by weeks end)