Hey everyone sorry to follow up so late- been busy with school. I didn't mean to dissuade anyone's purchases, just trying to be honest about my feelings and experiences with source. If one desires a low-temperature portable oil solution with a ceramic heating element and chamber, this product does work well, and is the only game in town that I know of (R.I.P. Thermovape
If you're ok with high start-up costs, I would say grabbing just the orb and a 5-pack of terra atomizers is a good call. I can't say the same about the 650mah battery that comes with the premium orb kit though- it looks nice, but 650mah just isn't enough. (at least in my experience). I recommend this:
a 1100 mah ego c-twist. It has the same functionality (3.2-4.8 volts in .2v steps), with nearly twice the capacity, and its less than $15 to your door (in the U.S. , but I saw similar deals in other countries) with a charger included.
If you're willing to spend a bit more, I would just get a variable box mod with a voltage mode that takes 18650 batteries (and a 510-ego adapter). even a 15w one will get the job done, and you can get them for 20-30 (though you will need batteries and a charger). This way you get even more battery life and more precise voltage control. just make sure you use it in voltage mode.
Happy vaping everyone