I don't think the Davinci issue had anything to do with packaging IMO. It was parts from within. I've never seen any vape have a smell issue from packing. The biggest issue for the davinci, again IMO, was the lid. It made cleaning and filling a challenge.
I will say this, the original kicked - it had lot's of power. Not so much as far as holding a charge but with that being said when she was charged she kicked fucking ass.
can someone tell me where i can find more infos about the davince smell issue here on the board, so i can compare them?
My DaVinci definitely did have an issue with smell that came from the foam insert in the packaging. It had a nasty tennis shoe rubbery smell that clearly came from the foam that it had been packaged in. Once removed from the foam, the smell went away in a week or two. All the info is there on the DaVinci thread if you search some of my posts.
I don't think they used that foam very long. So not that many DVs had this particular issue iirc.