Well-Known Member
Possibly something like this.I’ve just done a quick netscan, seems the only real issues with silicone is it should be medical grade, and that silicone containers aren’t airtight. Being lightproof and airtight are as usual, the big deals.
I’m not personally interested in *storage* per se, but I DO need places to put this stuff where nothing can happen to it...I feel real weird with sticky parchments laying also seems that dabbers share their wax, so plenty of use for containers for general handling and transport. I’ve pressed 3 eighths real close together here. This will taper off as I develop the required knack, I’ll probably only do one more run out of my current stores, maybe tonight. The second and third squeezings are globbed together on a single parchment because I didn’t plan for this part (I thought I had, but I was wrong).
One thing I’ve run across has been a screw-top plastic box with a platinum-cured 5ml silicone cup insert.
Another is a 5ml black glass child-proof screw-top containers.
Really: if you could have the perfect thing FOR YOU - what would it be?
I am currently using this silicone container:
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