Sketchiest place you've toked at...?


Vaporizer Superstore
For me, when I was in High School, one day me and 5 other friends went behind a large apartment complex and entered its laundry room. We rolled up two FAT blunts and started hotboxing. After about five minutes, a maid approached the room and opened up the door and at that sudden moment it looked as if a wall of smoked poured out of the room right into her face. She was in such shock, her mouth was wide open and her eyebrows raised. She started yelling in Spanish to call the cops so we quickly got the hell out of there. Two minutes later someone from the same apartment complex was in their car following us for two or three blocks. Pretty sketch.
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Well-Known Member
Haha great story VaporNation. These kinds of stories are always fun to look back on - especially when you don't get into any real trouble.

When I was in college, I went with a few friends to the Boston Science Museum with plans to see a Pink Floyd laser light show. So obviously there was going to be a lot of smoking involved. The five of us started smoking this huge joint in my car in the parking lot before the show. In the rearview mirror, I noticed a cop car pull up and the cops getting out of the car.

I immediately grabbed the joint from my friend and put it in my mouth, lit, and chewed it up and swallowed it. It was gross since most of the joint was left, so I basically ate a whole joint.

The cops came up to the car and asked us all to step out. Long story short, they searched the car, didn't find any more weed (the joint was all we had), and let us go with a warning. Oh, and I got banned from the Boston Museum of Science lol.

Was very scary when it happened though. Many dumb decisions were made in college...


Vaporizer Superstore
That's crazy I couldn't imagine myself eating almost a whole lit joint!


Well-Known Member
in the bathroom on the ferry ride over to the statue of liberty on a high school field trip [idk how i didn't get caught on that one]

used to be an assistant manager for rite aid when i was younger. would bake out that little manager office daily. never got caught. [im positive the pharmacy could smell that shit but i never got in trouble for it.]


Lord of The Seven Kingdoms.
In Iraq , in the back on a Bradley fighting vehicle with two of our interpreters and another soldier. They setup a hooka and we all chilled smoking , and it wasent until a few puffs in that I realised they had put in hash in with the shisha. I was way high , considering I hadent smoked in like 3 years. I just dragged my ass to my tent and slept it off. Thank god we dont get piss tested over there or I would have been fucked.


Well-Known Member
i used my mflb in a lecture hall once in college.

i also worked in the criminal justice and would sneak a few tokes from the box in the office too.
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Active Member
me and some friends drove up the hill to the lake. this was at night so it was pretty dark. we pulled off to the side of the road over looking the lake, and in the distance you can see the other side of the road. (car would still have to cross over the bridge to get to us). so we chill and hot box there for a while, then all of a sudden we see a car, and we take off going through the hills lol. mind you we were all high. make a long story short, we get to the end, we thought it was a park ranger (hence why we left), but only to find out it was a regular person driving haha.


Well-Known Member
Guess it wasn't to sketchy, but the craziest place I smoked was on the roller coasters at Six Flags. My cousin told his girlfriend he quit, so we couldn't go anywhere to smoke, except on the coasters, which she wouldn't ride. We started off doing it in the back row, but on the last one, we got up front. Everyone smelled us. :rockon:The picture they take on the first drop, my cousins cheeks were all puffed out from choking.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
The bus stop across the road from my high school.

Here in Aus, at the end of year 10, you do exams called your School Certificate - Basically, over the course of 2 weeks , they have tests for all the classes, but you only need to come in on the days you have a test. I'm sure there's similar things elsewhere, but I digress...

So one night at about 10pm, my buddy rings me "wanna hang?" he asks.
So agreed to meet him at the school, since it's about halfway between our 2 houses.

So then we decided it would be a good idea to have a couple of cones before we walked back to my place.

It was weird enough being at school at night, getting baked made it an adventure :lol:.

Not necessarily sketchy, but about as risque as I ever get...
Frederick McGuire,


So in my freshman year of college I had a room on the basement floor of my dorm, right next to the ra. About 2 months before the end of the year I got kicked out of the dorms for too many alcohol infractions (BS), so as any college freshman who didnt wanna tell his parents he cant live at school, I snuck in my window every night haha never getting caught ( no idea how I managed this, but was a great source of paranoia for me.. On top of it all, I consider myself a handyman/magyver of some sorts, so i took an old industrial fan and mounted it in my window with an airtight seal blowing outside. This gave us the ability to chainsmoke 4 or 5 fat dutches without it smelling at all, if we tried to put a towel under the door the wind would blow the towel away it was so efficient. This rig made literally EVERYONE who didnt have a vape come down to my room and smoke me up, because who wants to go outside in the massachusetts winter and struggle to light a lighter and keep the blunt lit when they can just come hang in the lions den. This was fantastic and i smoked more than i ever thought possible haha, but as you can imagine, we got a little confident..
Now for the sketchy part, one day me, my roomie and my buddy are burnin like 3 big ol Ls of some grandaddy, when we get a knock at the door. Keep in mind, every time someone knocks at the door i had to hide behind it when they opened it, since i was kicked out.. so my genius friend decides to answer the door with the blunt in his hand, just kinda held behind his back. And whos at the door but, THE RESIDENT DIRECTOR (RD), the boss of all the RA's and the highest authority in a dorm, the guys responsible for kickin me out. So im lookin thru the crack of the door and I see the RD, im shittin my pants, and all i see is the blunt fly through the room in my buddies nervous attempt to get rid of it..haha idk how this fuckin guy didnt smell it but he didnt, and walked away like normal. if he did my 2 buddies woulda been kicked out the dorms, I probly wouldve been expelled, and we all mightve been arrested by the damn university police. So not really a sketchy place, just a fucking sketchy situation :uhh:


Well-Known Member
some great stories.. I don't have a very sketchy one, but my most sketchy is probably the following one.
in rome, in the streets around a park. a friend had bought some weed from a streetdealer, at night we rolled a joint in the hotel then we planed to go to a park nearby to smoke it. it was already dark I think, or just getting dark. but when we arrived at the park it turned out it was locked, all gates were closed. apparently they close down the parks in rome at night. so we decided to just walk around the park(a square park enclosed by roads) and smoke it. we proceeded tp do that and that was it.

we also smoked in a mini-park there during the day, you almost can't call it a park since it was so small, also didn't have any gates around it.
(I have smoked plenty in parks here in the netherlands, but I don't consider that sketchy)

also once on a schooltrip me and some friends were really high, sitting a few rows behind the teacher and other adults(skiteachers, since it was a skitrip), but that was edibles, not toking. some of them were firsttimers too. (those teachers did find out I had weed with me btw, later that week, one of them aproached me during dinner, said she heard I had weed and told me to finish it before we left so we couldn't get in trouble on the way back)


OK i have one.I was in grade 13 (OAC, for anyone from Ont who is my age or older...)

we were going to a house party down the street. I was 19 (the legal age for drinking) and my friend who was 18 (who looked older btw). We were walking down the street with a 24 and I was smoking a doobie. (My friend didn't smoke weed) so the cops roll up and ask us to show some id. I put the lit doobie in my pocket and hoped for the best (I panicked! lol) so they say to my friend, he has to carry it, your underage! lol and they rolled on. they shut our party down later that night too!

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I was at work at the time... it was a call center. The bosses left for the day. I took out my ioLite and vaporized at my desk while on the phone working. My co worker turned to me and looked like a dear in headlights when she got a whiff of it. Others wondered what the shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noise was. Only did it the one time.
Slightly Medicated,


oh call center jobs. how I would have loved to have gotten high on the job then :p I was tech support for a major PC maker and the people I talked to... "my TEE-VEE screen aint workin" is it connected to the computer? "yeah" is there power for the unit? "yeah, it's connected to my computer" did you plug in the 2nd cable to the monitor to give it power? have a nice day... :doh::uhoh:

Quickly learned to always ask if they have the power plugged in first and go from there!


Developing Connoisseur & Vaporist
Grade 11 horticulture class (plant studies) there was a small bathroom right inside the class and when the teacher left for 15 minutes me and a friend took personal hits out of a pipe and blew them into the vent fan.:lol:

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
So many memories!!! I hope I can remember all of them...
Zangano Cruel,


here for the chicks
I'm torn between the park in front of a Portuguese jail in Portimao back in the nineties (when it was still highly illegal there), and the sidewalk of a police station here in NL a few years earlier. I think the Portuguese one was the scariest thus sketchiest, at the local police station we were just asked nicely to either put it out or move somewhere else.
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