Simrell Dynavap upgrade worth it?


Well-Known Member
Ordered inception jhook and dynavap stems. So stoked to try them out :D Next time it'll be Glass Charlies! Thanks for helping out!!
Can't wait to hear what you think! You're gonna love that j-hook, really great cooling, the mouthpiece is comfortably shaped, and the angle is perfect for, well, everything I've tried on it.

In fact, here's another recommendation: Ed's Tnt glass WPA , cap & tip of your choice, OWW Inception j-hook (& IH). Super cool and tasty, and you'll feel like a gentleman!
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Yes, OWW :) If he's doing everything by himself I totally get the waiting time. Hopefulle by the end of the week :)


Well-Known Member
Just received the glass charlie special edition from vapefiend. Nice piece of glass and does a fine job cooling. I measured the opening of its tapered mouthpiece to be 3mm diameter. Is it meant to be that size? Probably it is but just checking it's not a poor QC job-). My only other similar glass is a Hula v2 with a 9mm opening but that's not tapered..

I love the dimple for easily locating the airport.

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Well-Known Member
Just received the glass charlie special edition from vapefiend. Nice piece of glass and does a fine job cooling. I measured the opening of its tapered mouthpiece to be 3mm diameter. Is it meant to be that size? Probably it is but just checking it's not a poor QC job-). My only other similar glass is a Hula v2 with a 9mm opening but that's not tapered..

I love the dimple for easily locating the airport.

I use the Hula into water with a fat mouthpiece, so no real need for a bb9

Mine looks like it's about that size, too. Does the hit feel constricted or anything? Mine seems fine, not much restriction til I put on the cap.


Well-Known Member
a bit more restricted than expected, here's a close up.-)
Yeah, that looks more or less like mine. If it's usable, it's just one end of the draw spectrum of your glassware, if it's uncomfortable, check in with your vendor and maybe they can send you a more open one.

got really blasted with a 5-fin ti tip on it last night :ko:
Yeah, it's perfect for a flavor setup! Add a low-temp cap and
Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
Just received the glass charlie special edition from vapefiend. Nice piece of glass and does a fine job cooling. I measured the opening of its tapered mouthpiece to be 3mm diameter. Is it meant to be that size? Probably it is but just checking it's not a poor QC job-). My only other similar glass is a Hula v2 with a 9mm opening but that's not tapered..

I love the dimple for easily locating the airport.

Yea i roll all my mouthpieces as the extra disruption to the airpath means better cooling imhe. It also stops clear paths down the outer edges for the vapour to sneak past the spikes. They are all fitted by hand without a jig so they do vary quite a lot.

Hope ya like it dude, i try make them a slightly higher quality to what you get from china. All other prodo ((dyna, pete, easyflow)) offerings come from the same china factory so i try and add a few extra spikes, i roll the mouthpiece and qc every stems fitment against 2 or 3 tips.

Have a cap for me dudes!
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