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I’m planning on buying one of the VgoodiEZ bundles
I’m leaning towards the B1 because I can get it cheaper from Cannabis Hardware. What connection size do I need for the shovelhead bowl? I ordered this bong: https://www.smokecartel.com/products/la-pipes-standard-beaker-water-pipe?variant=31731330220115I don't have a B-zero but I do have a B1. It's great and I am sure you would love it. It is nice that the injector works well with many 18mm bowls I already have. But it is my least favorite ball vape. It is more work and I feel like it doesn't heat as efficiently or evenly.
Depending on your needs, you might consider the Zeal from Cloud Connoisseur or the SX/ZX from Phase3. They are all fantastic but it really depends what you want to get out of it. Happy to drill into details if you have questions/requirements.
I've heard good things about others like Qaroma, but these are the only ones I have right now.
Edited to add: lots of good info in this thread:
**Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.
The internet seems to be lacking a really good comparison on ball vapes. Please start with which ball vapes you have and your thoughts comparing between them. I seem to be limited on the choices for the poll, so this is just a bit of fun. Your comparisons are most important. Please stick to...fuckcombustion.com
You'll want the 14mm post for the shovelhead bowl for that bong.I’m leaning towards the B1 because I can get it cheaper from Cannabis Hardware. What connection size do I need for the shovelhead bowl? I ordered this bong: https://www.smokecartel.com/products/la-pipes-standard-beaker-water-pipe?variant=31731330220115
This is an excellent point and something to consider when you buy your kit. CH calls this the "standard" head.In the CH ecosystem I prefer the 22mm diffuser over the injector; results are more consistent.
We’re shooting for $120 but it’s leaning towards $130 by time fees and little cost are calculated into it.
Xlr Coil is going to be 22mm height so very minimal stretching would be needed.