SHIVApo vaporizers

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Hello guys ! It has been some time since i posted about new vapes, life has been giving me some lemons ,so i just didt not have the time to look for. Anyway here is back at it :p !
The SHIVApo technology is similar to Vapor-genie tech,buit uses a fritted disc as a flame filter ,just like the Ver-glow vaporizer :). Made in EU (Austria)
The crafstmaship on the Stainless parts looks great quality and the woodwork is next level. They got so many versions ,but they all use the same heater tech ,so i think it is ok to have them under one thread . So here is some eye candy below !
Apologies in advance,but photos looked lined before posting, and now i cant get them in order ... this is fucked up..

SHIVApo Vaporizer attachement € 79,80​


Chakra Vaporizer​

Reminds me a bit of the Subliminator concept . Check out parts listings,to get a better idea.

SHIVApo Vaporizer Purist € 98,90​


SHIVApo Vaporizer Unicum Hybrid € 98,90​




SHIVApo table Vaporizer Wood and Stainless €169,80-€179,80​


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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Hmmmm...I like what I'm seeing here.

It seems like an upgraded version of a similar vape we all know and love, but with more options and more customizability offered directly from the manufacturer.

I was happy to see the configuration that functions like a normal bowl and downstem for a classic bong.
This one here:

Does anyone here have, or is expecting to have, a demo unit of one of these for testing?

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Ramahs Which one do you have in mind ? Vector ? Vector is more like the vapo-bowl/vapo-star as it uses metal disc as flame diffuser,this one uses glass like the ver-glow vaporizer.
I dont have experience using the models,but the verglow was pretty effective ,seen from the videos/



Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
@Ramahs Which one do you have in mind ? Vector ? Vector is more like the vapo-bowl/vapo-star as it uses metal disc as flame diffuser,this one uses glass like the ver-glow vaporizer.
I dont have experience using the models,but the verglow was pretty effective ,seen from the videos/

I didn't think we were supposed to mention other vapes on this threads.
But I was thinking of the Vapor Genie, since you ask.

Might there be any worry about small particles breaking off of these fritted glass heat diffusers?
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Well-Known Member
I like the aesthetics a lot. The shape reminds me of a chillum (which I'd imagine is intentional given the Indian theme).


Well-Known Member
Might there be any worry about small particles breaking off of these fritted glass heat diffusers?

That’s what I immediately thought looking at that screen I’ve never seen frit glass in a air path outside of water, looking at the bags there’s pieces breaking off already. Workmanship on the vapes otherwise looks nice though.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I didn't think we were supposed to mention other vapes on this threads.
But I was thinking of the Vapor Genie, since you ask.

Of course you can mention other vapes by name in any thread, what you want to avoid is full on comparisons between different vapes from different companies, in one vape specific thread... There's a lot of leniency here though, especially since we are in the upcoming section, basically most anything goes right now early on new product :tup:

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Ramahs I am going to break a rule just a bit and talk about materials safety :p.
VG diffusers also realease dust particles,shrink,etc.
. SIC is very hard,but it is not as resitant to thermal shock like quartz also not very great on fracture toughness. Pulling room temp air through heated SIC foam might or might not induce enough stress, testing should be done.
Fritted glass screens are from boro, not quartz,but it is pretty close in specs.
The grains in the foamy SIC structure are much smaller than those in frits,so particles will be smaller and enter deeper in your lungs. I would choose frits over SIC foam personally,also they cost very little to replace.
Here is an e-mail i got from the makers , i guess they will be joining soon ! :) <3 Also i made mistake ,they are from Austria !!!
"Hi,thank you for your email and the great forums blog you wrote about our product! We very appreciate your initiative and look forward to follow the discussion within the forum. We are going to set an account within the next days. It is always great to get in touch with people from other countries with the same interests!
By the way, we are going to present our products from 7.-9. of October in Vienna at the Cultiva, booth number E807 ( ) . Maybe we can meet there in person and you can have a look at the whole range of our sortiment as well as try some of them 😉 Maybe it is possible to share this information also in the forum?
Concerning your question about the head: Between the borosilicate stone and the herb chamber is another steel sieve, so that no silicate stones can get into the herb chamber. The borosilicate stone, which is used in many vaporizers for oil, has the advantage over other filters to be without additional taste. Furthermore, overheating of herbs is almost impossible due to the design and high quality materials used.
Best wishes from Austria
Barbara von SHIVApo
I do wonder how hot the head gets ,since metal is pretty conductive . Maybe some tool or leather gloves for unscrewing haha :).
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Of course you can mention other vapes by name in any thread, what you want to avoid is full on comparisons between different vapes from different companies, in one vape specific thread... There's a lot of leniency here though, especially since we are in the upcoming section, basically most anything goes right now early on new product :tup:

@Ramahs I am going to break a rule just a bit and talk about materials safety :p.
VG diffusers also realease dust particles,shrink,etc.
. SIC is very hard,but it is not as resitant to thermal shock like quartz also not very great on fracture toughness. Pulling room temp air through heated SIC foam might or might not induce enough stress, testing should be done.
Fritted glass screens are from boro, not quartz,but it is pretty close in specs.
The grains in the foamy SIC structure are much smaller than those in frits,so particles will be smaller and enter deeper in your lungs. I would choose frits over SIC foam personally,also they cost very little to replace.
Here is an e-mail i got from the makers , i guess they will be joining soon ! :) <3 Also i made mistake ,they are from Austria !!!

I do wonder how hot the head gets ,since metal is pretty conductive . Maybe some tool or leather gloves for unscrewing haha :).

Thanks for the info, y'all :tup:


Calm Consistency
"Bong stainless steel parts only : After countless attempts with balls in the bong, ice bong, percolators and much more to smoke the herbs
To make smoke milder, which also succeeded (only the effort), the additional night-long bong shaking cleaning hours and numerous almost life-threatening glass accidents while cleaning the chillum, apart from breaking 2-3 a year, the chakra stainless steel bong with hand-blown chakra glass was created. The bong parts are indestructible except for the glass. They fit on many vessels for everyday use, on every "coconut", which also makes them a high-end travel bong. A bong for many lives."

Already love these guys :lol:
"a bong for many lives" :zzz:🐈


Volute of Vapor
Hi, it's a very interesting new vaporizer our treasure founder brought back from his trips, yes nice find @Abysmal Vapor and thank you for all the efforts.
I like a lot the O'Smoking Pipes style and it looks like they did it well made. Not a fan of the desktop version though, as well the full metal plunger/chilum doesn't please me so much.
The vaporization tek isn't new but I always found the Vaporgenies to works very well for me (look at the Paytonpenn videos, they are amazing and show the Vaporgenie's full power), except the filter disc material difference the Shivapo seems to work similarly. Only one thing seems not very user friendly, the stainless steel top cap might to be very hot and impossible to remove right after a hit for stirring/unloading, it's a nice feature to add by making the top filter cap easy to handle while hot... but I'm maybe missing something or stirring isn't necessary maybe...

To be honnest I'm very inclined to buy one Pipe version and will probably buy replacements filter disc cause it would be amazing if they could fit others devices (VG, NimbinVap,Vapocane...), I'll try to find the filter's size.

Thank you for sharing about that nice Austrian vape!
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Here is an e-mail i got from the makers , i guess they will be joining soon ! :) <3 Also i made mistake ,they are from Austria !!!
"Hi, thank you for your email and the great forums blog you wrote about our product! We very appreciate your initiative and look forward to follow the discussion within the forum. We are going to set an account within the next days."

It's been a few days (at least ten). Did they forget about us already? :shrug:
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Volute of Vapor
Hi, I ordered one ShivaPo, O'smoking Pipe design with flat bottom, briar burl. Ordered Tuesday and received Friday but my country isn't far of Austria (but it's still international shipping).

I'll post a true review later cause I didn't used it enough for true feedback... Wood part looks like well made, the bowl is a stainless steel insert in the wood's bowl although the vapor touch the wood when travelling in the pipe after the bowl. The heater top part is screwed onto the bowl, the heater is made of 2 SS part which screw in together, the fritted glass filter/heat exchanger is coming between this 2 parts, as well a screen prevent any glass stuff to fall on the load.

For now I'm not still managing to get reliable well sized hits, I noticed the plastic (?) pipe mouthpiece to cause restriction, too much for a such convection vape so I removed it and use a glass tube without restriction. As well I removed the SS cylinder in the bowl, from the manufacturer this ring was supposed to offer smaller loads... I found it acting like a heat sink making the whole pipe too hot.

The pipe came with one fritted glass screen installed... but it was mostly broken with many broken glass parts and it looks like this filter was already used by looking at the black spot in its center (soot I believe). I was lucky enough to order replacements fritted glass filters... but it appears they not really fit the heater, they are a bit too big and I need to force it in the heat exchanger, this is caused a little breakage but not too much, as well the top doesn't seems to screw in fully cause the glass fritted filter is too much thick, so there is a gap...

About the performances, I thought it would be pretty similar to the VaporGenie... I was wrong. The glass filter doesn't allows so much air to pass than the VG filter does, so vaping production isn't direct but slightly delayed cause I noticed the first pull while drawing with the flame on (using torch lighter) isn't thick but the second with the flame off offer thicker vapor, next are progressively producing less and less vapor. So this Shivapo is working by heat retention, you heat up the fritted glass screen while drawing but vapor comes after, you can expect 3-5 hits per heat-up.

To be honnest I don't have the vapor I would like in term of thickness and taste, got a few erratics well sized hits though. Taste is good for 2-3 hits but quickly taste turn neutral. I think a fews mods and a bit more testing will improve the vapor quality&quantity. I'm thinking to use glass beads rather than the fritted glass filter, this is will allow more air to pass in order to fasten vapor production, or, why not? a VG Sic filter. Or a thinner glass fritted filter (this one is 5mm thick, 2 or 3mm would be better) and with smaller diameter 17mm would fit the heat exchanger better than the 18mm they sold on their website. Last thing, the stainless steel heat exchanger housing becomes very hot making unscrew between hits for stirring a pia (I use a clothe but it's not perfect) although I noticed the hot air stream to be consistent enough to make abv very homogen without to stir.

I think I still not managed to climb that learning curve and I will give him another chance before to try to mod it (except for the stem, I keep the glass one with larger airflow and will not use anymore the stock one which is too much restricting!). The design is very good even with my glass stem (an Inhalater glass stem) but I would prefer a smoking pipe style mouthpiece with larger airflow though, more to come!


Volute of Vapor
Thanks for the write up, sucks about that disc. Sounds a bit to me like the product was insufficiently tested with some of the issues you mention..
In fact I think I was using it exactly like I did with a Vaporgenie... but it's ShiVapo, and quartz filter disc seems to be designed to store heat rather than filtrate it (like the VG does)... I finally found the trick with the ShiVapo Attachment (the one made of Stainless steel only, for bubblers w/18mm glass ground joint), the manufacturer was kind to send me this Attachment after I shared with them my initial experience.

Not sure it's how it's supposed to work but I managed to get a few very nice hits, here my technic:

Don't load too much to keep enough distance between the load and the top, start to heat up the disc while pulling slowly, the idea is to store heat in the disc, remove the flame, pull strong and you'll see the vapor coming. I still not found my exact technic, it's still slightly erratic and I even combusted twice. Quartz disc heat-up faster than I thought especially when it's already warm. Although it's the technic giving me back the best taste&clouds. Timing is 6-7s initial heat-up with a double flame torch and 3-4 s for subsequents hits. Distance is 3-4cm from the top of the vape, hit it while heat up without to pay attention to vapor (there is still no visible vapor), put the torch down and pull fast on your bubbler, vapor will raise up at this step, enjoy now!

Still not tried the Burl pipe Shivapo with the Quartz disc since my first attempts related in my previous post here. After I inserted a Vaporgenie filter disc in the top and I'm using it exactly like a VG. I think the quartz disc heater works better with water filtration, maybe cause the drag...

There is definitively some potential and I dig the Burl pipe for the aesthetic and the Attachment for it's sturdy simplicity, the SS bong is very tempting although I enjoy so much to see the vapor through the glass I'm not sure I will enjoy so much an opaque bong.

More to come!


Vapor Freak
Interesting, thanks @chillmike for the reference. I'd love to see a video of this in action!
Is this a direct butane vape like the stickybricks and the sorts? Or is it indirect/mechanical?


Well-Known Member
Can somebody tell my what happened to the Shivapo?
Came across this vape and someone I know is interested but their website is down and the vape is nowhere available?
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