If you’re sure you need a large bowl, you want a slower session style device with a hybrid (convection and conduction) heater, you don’t care about getting the best flavor and you’re more interested in a large scale mass produced product with a more standard large company behind it, the Mighty might be great for you. A lot of people are very happy with it.
If you want something else, here are my favorites:
Portable: Nomad or Toad (their convection heaters are the name and other internals are basically the same), and my second favorite is the Firewood 7 (hybrid heater).
Since you want something now and probably new though, I would look at the Firewood 9 and TinyMight 2, or if you want a slower session that just keeps running until you stop it, there are other options.
Desktop: The Phase 3 Z8 (the ZX is almost the same, is cheaper and available now.
If you really want something to smack you in the head, some portables can do it but the high powered desktops are the easiest to get super fast extraction with.
There are also a ton of other good options if you want to look into them, but those are some of the best options out there I think, and they’re simple to use and easy to maintain.
The Firewoods take a little more work, the Mighty I hear is more of a pain, but almost anything where the load is in a stem just requires stem cleaning, and desktops with bowls like the Z8/ZX, FlowerPot, and the dozen other similar things out there now also just need bowl cleaning under normal circumstances.
I hope that helps. If you really want a Mighty go for it, but if you buy anything I mentioned I think you’ll be happier unless you just want that exact Mighty experience.
Edit: The logs people are talking about are all good options too, but if you do have a high tolerance some of them might not hold as much as you want.
I think you might be surprised how little you need at once if it gets extracted fast enough though!