! It seems we're kindred spirits on cannabis

. I've been sativa strain hunting a lot... and my experience has been guiding my choices. NA/SA equitorial sativas (and with that breeding) are my current best-in-class. And I'm looking forward to trying another one with this Red Congolese. There are so many sativas and so little time...
Last night I was

when I posted

(I could have done better lol, sorry). So

that I impulse ordered that new-to-me batch and strain of Red Congolese

. No regrets at all today, cannabis access has exploded in Canada and it was an inexpensive purchase. I hope I get a good batch and see what this Red Congolese is all about
. I had great success with this producer before and another strong sativa (my Viper posts earlier and here
I've never grown (lazy) but it would be awesome and major props on doing that

. Do it again

Thx for the reply. It was a trip to go through my last few pages of posts here. I like the pics and quality

Enjoy sativas and have a great weekend.