Welcome to the gemstone dabbing club!

Once you go gemstone, you don't go back!

Curious, what carb cap are you rocking with your 710coils banger setup? One of the biggest challenges I have had is finding a bubble cap that has a spout short enough that doesn't make any contact with the insert. It's been trial and error, and even two different "exact same caps" can vary by 1mm or so creating that contact/friction that i'm trying to avoid. Fortunately I have two bubble caps that are flawless and hover about 1-2mm above the insert, but haven't been able to source a good backup or two. Working with Shane and Quartz Pi to see what can be done with the spout of those sick quartz pi bubble caps.
Pretty sure that with the ever increasing popularity of gemstone dish inserts, and just banger inserts in general, there will be a demand for these types of carb caps that actually "fit".
I gave away my remaining quartz terp pearls..... still need to try a 4mm gemstone pearl, but i've been experimenting with no pearls, as well as either just one 5mm or one 6mm, and still trying to decide if they are even worth using. Sometimes I think that they don't really do much, but sometimes I think they prevent pooling at lower temps on bigger globs. I think perhaps they are more for lower temps? At mid 500's and up I can very efficiently crush a decent sized dab without one.
At 450f insert dish floor temp, you are on the very low end of the temperature spectrum! Crank 'er up a bit!

Try 500-525 on the floor!