Is the overall general opinion "butter/auto buttering is bad?"
I actually don't mind butter at all. I used to prefer shatter because of the beauty and stability, but now I think butter is much easier to work with... aka shards of shatter don't fly everywhere when I try to get a dab on my dabber

(I know I can heat the dabber a little but I don't want to have to do that lol). I always seem to find small chunks of shatter all over my house: on the floor, counter, fridge, desk, clothes, on my damn phone screen, etc

so butter is fine by me
Anyways, back on topic, after many years of blasting I have found many factors that cause buttering, pretty much all of which were covered by the genius,
Humidity, temp, hours purged - all play a key role in auto butter. Even the amount of time and humidity level of the curing process probably plays a role. Fresh material that hasn't even been dried will almost always butter because of moisture, but also because of the higher amount of terpenes. If all of those are covered and you are still getting butter then it's definitey the strain.
I have found that genetics play probably the biggest role. Some strains are just known to auto butter (whether immediately during the purge or shortly after).
I also cannot stress enough the importance of a long purge to remove all the residual solvents.
I normally purge for a minimum of 3 days for runs <14g, and a minimum of of 5 days for runs >28g. I flip the slab about every 8 hours.
It makes me cringe when I talk to someone new and I ask them how long they purge when they process an oz and they say 30 hours at 100F

They say that the shorter purge time helps keep it like shatter

As that is true, it is also disgusting to dab concentrates that have butane in them
I would rather have crumble/butter for the rest of my life than dab tane shatter. Would you rather have a tane shatter slab to show off or be healthy? I choose healthy because then I will live longer and be able to take more dabs, or whatever the hell we will be doing in 50 years
30 hours at 100F simply isn't long enough to remove all the residual solvents. If a much higher temp was used then yeah 24 hours would be more than fine, but not at anything below 110F like some people do.
One trick I like to use (besides watching the larger irregular bubbles) is looking for a rainbow shine on the bubbles. Shining a phone camera flash light on it helps make the rainbow shine more distinct. Once these stop appearing (look very closely, even some small bubbles can have the rainbow shine) and all of the bubbles are small and consistent in size then you should be good. But that normally takes 3+ days with 6 or more flips at 110F (5+ days with 10+ flips for larger runs).
As stated before, dewaxing will always end in a clear, very stable, and brittle shatter. Sometimes it will be sappy (seems to be strain specific), but the majority of the time, especially if purging below 110F, it will be hard as glass, double especially if you use Methanol
More info about winterizing/dewaxing with Methanol: