Sorry for the long reply
Thanks for the info...I'll watch your vids too soon as I can, it sounds like it is the Motar glass you're using. I'm going to try that needle mod of yours (Luer lock?) what gauge is it?
TG says:
On the Motar...
Instructions on rear of box: "Please noted: 30-45W recommended"
- Yes 38 watts.
- I've only burned out one coil.
- For a longer rip I might pulse it once or twice?
- I'm only placing 1-2 hits worth in it, size of a BB or less.
been using it for over a year.
Can't be TC'ed Fun & close but great idea, poorly implimented.
(On the pulsing, I haven't used it for about a month and memory's failing)
The coil itself isn't actually fried, it will still fire if you could get a connection, the problem is the crap way the coil is built, the positive coil leg that runs down to the 510 isn't soldered or attached in any legitimate way, it's just the pressure of the rubber insulator holding the wire against the copper tip. Many times I had to get in there and clean the wire and re-seat it to get it to work. This was happening even when I kept it under 30w. It finally got to the point where the rubber piece is shot and I couldn't get it to stay working. Pity about the poor connection because the coil element itself can take a hell of a lot of abuse.
I know, have taken them apart & put coils in to rebuild, still wires, lol.
The dealer where I bought the Motar recommended 20-30w, so I kept it under 30w for a long time and it did work great, but later thinking about why the Mfg recommended higher wattage and though what the fuck, why not try cranking it up? So I did and was surprised with the results, which had me thinking the company's objective on this piece was to try and simulate the performance of an actual dab rig, am I on the right track?
It's just done badly, great Idea, I think Matt at DT is working on the real deal with QQV4?
Curiosity grabbed a hold of me and I tried to get scientific about it, got out my multi-meter with temperature probe and started taking readings inside the bucket while glowing. (It's the kind of temperature probe that just looks like solder tinned wire at the tip, so you hold it right against whatever you're measuring) At 38w I was getting readings between 450-550 degrees.
I'm not any kind of expert on this shit, and although I do own a rig (Recycler) I don't have extensive experience with them, but I recall reading an article that talked about temperatures - high temp and low temp dabs - as I recall 450-550 degrees was either a low or medium temp dab. And the Motar almost instantly achieves 400-500 degrees - so there you have it, mini-simulated-dab-rig on a 510 fitting!
Truth is I need to fuck around with it some more and maybe try TC mode too, but my thoughts now were instead of spending $15 on another Motar coil maybe I'll just put the money towards a SAI and start over. I hope the SAI coil isn't built like that inside.
I do need to get that Arizer Mini Whip to try this through my rig, also noticed this:
Arizer Elbow Adaptor
I believe is the same thing without the short piece of hose, for $1 less.
Also found these:
HydroBrick Whip Connectors
Launch Box Draw Whips
I have to admit you've got me curious and excited to see how this SAI performs. For on-the-go devices I'm currently using Miracle-B coils, but thinking I'd like to try the quartz bucket setup in my Teslacigs Stealth mod. With an atomizer attached the whole unit fits well into the coin pocket of a pair of jeans. It's slightly smaller than a Pico 75w mod with no atty.
Sai now kickass with the Ti Skillet or the Quartz cup & the Saicule combo coil is the only one I can use on bare SS tasty coil
Here's a photo of a SAI in a Stealth like mine:
Cool, wowser!
Found it in a review of SAI/Stealth combo:
I do like the Espion 200 mod, looks like it has a solid feel. I'm currently trying to decide on a mod for a Stempod, looking at several but I'd like to find one to use for all 3 devices SP, SAI and Motar. The Espion is slightly taller than all the others under consideration and I want to try and keep the whole Stempod setup reasonably short, I'd also prefer a centered 510 connector.
I love the Mirage & my Therion Purple Ostrich dual, they have SS conectors and have
been at a level of accuracy that I am selling everything but the Espion 200 with Red Panda a Keeper.
Probably not getting a DNA mod soon, but I did notice this Lost Vape SKAR DNA75 a few bucks less than the Mirage and it has a centered 510 and it uses a higher capacity cell (26650 instead of 18650/20700/21700)
If I get a SAI I'll have to try that Mole coil, "Awesome taste" from a metal coil made me curious. I gave up on bare metal coils a long time ago because of bad taste, found I was getting superior flavor with ceramic donuts and miracleB.
It Blows my mind, I am a coil hatter !
I love this thing, especially when you either use the Poseidon bubbler
or the Motar all glass straw top on Sai, Mole and any 22mm atty.