Don't use Ti mode! The bucket is Ti but the actual donut heater is Nickel.
But if you can set TCR to 315... that should do it. .723 ohms for the resistance is good. Lock that.
30 watts is good to start with. I usually start hitting it after 3 seconds... a nice long draw should do it.
I find with the Ti cup set watts @37 with a preheat 2 seconds at
125% gets to temp 380-440 for nice taste & no burning & almost no
reclaim after 3-5 15 sec pulls. clean to shinny new with water pulse.
I am using the new heater that come with the QC for both Ti & QC.
That way settings stay the same just adjust temps to 400-480
Quartz takes 3 -5 sec for thick vapor as the Ti takes 2 sec with same
settings (More efficient heater)
I'm getting the new Molecule Quartz Cup inserts today to lay on top
of their SS coils I'm guessing. I've used the Sai Cups in the Mole already.
Not too bad, but no where near how good they work in the Sai itself.
Hoping the ones are somehow fixed.
Anyone get the new mouthpiece yet? Does it make a difference?
Lol, at $20 it cost as much as the Mole it self.
This thing is no longer a cheap $35 atty any more.
I'm still using my own glass mouthpiece that blows away that little
tit of a mouthpiece that comes with it..
If you get a Mole with 22 mm adapter (useless without it) & new
mouthpiece the quartz cup inserts cost is now like at retail is $40
+ 10 + 10 + 20 discount is no $80. normal discount is AVS15%
WOW! That got costly quick, lol.
Makes my Sai not only a much better deal, I can get 2 TAF Sai's
one TI & one QC complete for $66 from Puffitup every day of the week.
But I still really like my Mole for the only coil vape I even use.
I ordered a few BF Sale SS ones for $25 as holiday gifts to my
buds that have Sai's & QQ see what they think as most of them
are used to hassling with coils & all that messy shit.