With tonight's session i decided to weigh my load, just for the hell of it!
With the screen below the dimples i used about 0,1g to get decent results.
With the screen on top of the dimples i am using 0,06g for awesome results.
I keep the temp around 8,5 to 9 on the dial and always heat soak everything before taking a hit.
I love using it with the RooR tube as i find it to be perfect!
Almost zero drag and the crazy mouth piece allows you to watch the vapor build!
I have mastered the art of raising the heater from the bowl with one hand as well to clear the WT!
A cap is on constantly over the larger top hole, air only enters in from the side where the heater wires exit.
I usually stir after the first 5 or so hits and then tamp down a bit and continue!
I love that a gentle pull will yield light, super tasty vapor!
A strong pull yields thick, delicious vapor that hits like a hammer!
It's funny how this vape has taken center stage and become my daily driver!
A year ago i was ranting about waiting for vapes to heat up! I WANT IT HOT NOW!!! LMAO!!!
Now the 15 minute pre-heat is a nice ritual and calming down time.
Turn on, clean WT, clean bowl, choose herb and grind, load bowl and place heater on and sit back and relax for a few!
Check temp of bowl close to herb, when hot the time has come!
Two bowls later and i am medicated of 0,1g! This is very good for me!
And i find the medicated state lasts a lot longer as well.
I am only vaping twice a night now versus every hour...
Very happy i decided to take a chance on resurrecting this beauty!