Vapor concierge
get yaself some food coloring!
When the RezBlock goes clear, and gets cloudy (loaded) it shows the solution is spent since the actives are a form of pigment (Proanthocyanidin) although the ones we want come from cranberry only . . .I'm just sayin if you gotta have color...does it matter if it goes clear?
This has been discussed, the problem was actually worse with the old formula, but sadly still remains. I add a little silver hydrosol to mine when I'm mixing it up, keeps it niceYou could also use a few drops of SSKI (saturated solution of potassium iodide) which would be less expensive, but would require you to understand the substance and its creation and use.
Does it make the water taste bad after repeated uses? I'd like to change the water in the morning, and than not change till the next day.
It can, without the proper amount in your mix or if it's fully used/expired. For daily water changes in your HT try just 3 drops, if the taste is bad at the end of the day, use 4 drops. Your amount of use will determine how much you need, if you are only having a few sessions that day, 2 drops may do the trick.Does it make the water taste bad after repeated uses? I'd like to change the water in the morning, and than not change till the next day.