I discovered this new vape on IG a day or so ago. It appears to be a massive Loto Lux type device that will actually work. Apparently with this vape you can set how it heats up your concentrate using various combinations of Ti pins. Extremely expensive and no reviews yet... One guy on IG has a...
6873 available plate pressure CNC (computer numerical controlled) Machine takes 110v or 220v wall power No air compressor necessary Fully controlled by 10 inch touch screen Start stop up down push control CNC controlled plates - enter your recipe with ease and get consistent results every...
I am too tight to spend those sort of dollars but good on whoever can.
I'm not even sure what this is haha is it just an induction heater for a vap cap (something I literally have zero use for) or is it an actual vape like the other thread about it? Not interested either way but don't even know what I'm looking at or why there are two separate threads if they're the same lol
what they mean by a reactor? an inductor? well, 2000$ is a lot, but i am sure there are people who can afford it...i think a mini version of this, with a tag price of 900$, will suit the idea better...
I actually tried to buy this thing before the PACT act went in effect and my Crazy Vape Buying Bender had me throwing money at all the things I thought Id never see again, and the people seemed real shady.