Hi guys,
I'm in the market for a really good enail controller. I was wondering ehich you guys think is best. Thanks
Wow, resurrected a pretty old thread...forgot I even opened this thread! haha
Well, a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then and my knowledge has def been refined by experience. But still, I would go for:
1. Auber RDK-300 - no too expensive, functions great, rotary dial for temp adjustment, USA CS. Have one, love it.
2. Any well built controller with an Omron E5CC-QX PID subassembly. The QX is the one made to drive an external solid state relay and Omron is very well documented. If you look at these boxes, its basically an Omron assembly, an SSR, and then just mechanical interfaces and power switch(s). Have one, love it.
The Omron PID is, to my mind, still rock solid. But you need to make sure that you are getting one properly built.
@710Coils helped me rebuild my G9 controller that I started this thread about. Super easy and neither of us can understand ANYBODY wiring up this controller in such an idiotic manner.
Hope this is helpful.