ugh, haven't posted in months.
this Summer I bought a condo (first foray into homeownership) and have been super busy with work but now that everything is settled I can sit back and reflect on how rewarding this whole experience has been.
and you know, moving into a new place, gotta' get a new piece to commemorate the milestone.
so I pulled the trigger on this 10" fab egg that a local shop had on sale for $65. looks nice, hits well.
that's our new woodburning fireplace in the background!
before that we've only ever had those fake electric fireplaces that didn't actually produce any heat

the real fireplace is nice and all but the main selling point was the 2-car garage and built in washer/dryer. but for the time being (or until my girlfriend yells at me) I'm using the fireplace mantle to display my other favorite oil rigs when they're not in rotation.