Very interesting piece, @
mvapes! Hows the drag with the 3 frits?
Noticed those Frits were a bit thicker thank most I've seen.. Probably because of the weave and braid.. Awesome piece dude, and a great price!
Edit: glad to hear/see that there is No drag with the 3 percs! Milked nicely
Edit2: some phone pics of some new pieces I acquired over the holidays.. Steve Beer Rig, Zoo mini tube, Mobius Matrix Clear, EarlJr micro and mini recyclers, MikeD recycler and

Pendant, BG recycler, & StillWater Venturi System Bubbler..
Sorry for the onslaught of pics, just finally getting around to posting them..
In order as written above:
The BG was my first recycler, thanks to a recommendation from @
PhotoRider on a good shop to purchase from.. Love that piece and the millies and the gridded stubby perc it has.. Good chugger, great match for my lungs!