Ruler of all things person
Loving that perc mrbonsai!
I bet it rips.
I bet it rips.
OK, I found my new favorite rig, maybe for a while. It is made by @Phattassglass , And it is Phatt! It is his Hover Perc and it rocks with any water level! It has a few gridded rows on that unique hovering perc. Very tasty for dabs but would give enough diffusion for flower for sure. And it's THICK AND HEAVY! The enail doesn't tip it at all even with the Heaviest liger, hurricane cap and drop down!. I liked it so much I flipped out and bought a second one of the same rig in another colorI'm sick guys, help me lol! But check this guy out if you haven't!
Just one more artist that I've started following because of you. I'm definitely going to pick up one of these eventually.
Hi @mrbonsai420 - beautiful. A shop near me has some small pieces of PAG and its fabulous.Yeah the prec is very unique and I wanted something that will stand up with an enail and drop unlike most small rigs made for torch bangers these days. The quality couldn't be better and it's hard to pick up all of the sparkly nuances on the joint and lips but trust me, it's tight!
This one is cool and classy, I'm in love! The other one I have coming is Yellow Crayon and Blue Cheese, It's so fucking flashy and loud, I like it too lol! If you are looking at his stuff his Splatter percs are also awesome and he makes a nice Klein.
Hi @mrbonsai420 - beautiful. A shop near me has some small pieces of PAG and its fabulous.
May I ask where you got it from and, if you are comfortable, approximate magnitude of cost. I really like the PAG pieces I am looking at but they are at $350 or so. Not out of reach if I want one, but enough to give me a bit of pause.
I need to look at it again. No, it does not have the amount of color your a long shot. Its only colored around the mouthpiece, base, and....and I have to look at it again. Its a small piece...slightly bigger than the Bates internal. I'll check it out and let you know...they may have had it quite a long time and got it at lower price. Dunno.If they are this size and only $350 that is below retail and lower than he sells them for himself actually. I haven't gotten a quote from him for less than $500 on a piece and I have asked about several. I found smaller artists you can get a much better deal from the artist. BUT once they get bigger they don't like to undercut the shops that carry their items. So they quote retail. Best place for his stuff is to find a reseller that gets a deal as a wholeseller and passes that deal along to you via an auction or sale. If it's $350 for a Splatter or Hover perc this size I would say that is very fair.
In fact I just checked the price on one Purplecity420 has for sale, he wants $420 for his.
Wow dude...they are indeed beautiful. Love the yellow flower it the button (or whatever you call it LOL).YAY! @Phattassglass Hover Perc #2 is in. It's hard to get his glass nuances on camera but there are these beautiful lines in the yellow on this, it looks fantastic. I thought since I bought 2 rigs so close that I might sell one eventually but these are so dope I may need to keep them as a team lol!
That water level is really high. Try lowering it an inch or so to keep your lips from getting splashback.
It certainly is up there, I'm sure that must be robbing some flavour.That water level is really high. Try lowering it an inch or so to keep your lips from getting splashback.
That water level is really high. Try lowering it an inch or so to keep your lips from getting splashback.
You know I effing absolutely love FC!It certainly is up there, I'm sure that must be robbing some flavour.
I've found my matrix sidecar works well with the water level anywhere from just touching the top of the perc to a couple centimetres above
The other guys beat me to it, you got your water up too high. Moltentiger knows what's up, typically it is best to put in just enough water to cover the perc itself. Looks like you got that resolved already thoughPeace all,
I have a knack for following right after a jedi master like @mrbonsai420 ...!
(One day, I hope to have enough money to beg joda gw to make me a custom Vault-Boy perc...)
Thanks to @kellya86 for the confidence boost to post a pic of my FIRST purchased piece of glass! I have been using a 3" tall donated bubbler, never used anything for concentrates before except that.
Anyway, it's basically's house version of a Mobius matrix sidecar, from what I can tell. Cost me $94.50 with a 10% coupon code. Free shipping, they shipped same day and I got it a day earlier than the 3 day estimate (east coast in NJ). Extremely happy.
Wife says NO dhgate or opening cc's to int'l orders, or running air cards. My sooo good and simple. Ah.
Speaking of's the piece. VERY heavy glass, I love it. Here's the link:, and I am extremely happy with the company and love their selection, yeah US-based so a bit higher $. I'll deal.
Took one empty for best detail:
And finally, milky milky...
Ahhhh. It is freaking AWESOME...absolute perfect draw.
Peace everyone, and good vaping!
Guys guys guys
Go onto Instagram. Women taking super hot dabs out of giant flower pieces in their underwear for days and days.Sure seems like it, doesn't it? In my regular life I know women stoners, but seems like here at FC, and generally online, it's a preponderance of dudes.
Posted this in the IG thread but no one looks at it lol.
So, My next piece is either Going to be from Bowman Glass, Hondo Glass, or Red Tail Glass. This is a very hard choice. I will one day own all 3 I hope but for now I am leaning towards a custom fab from Redtail glass. Either that or a Bowman Window rig or any of the Pineapple pattern Percs from Hondo. Damn this is a hard choice! I guess I will just consider is which one is first and not worry about it and hope one day I have one of each.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
I also have my eye on a VERY nice piece from @Sleeping_glass (Mothership artist) That is a little pricey but I am in love with it.
Posted this in the IG thread but no one looks at it lol.
So, My next piece is either Going to be from Bowman Glass, Hondo Glass, or Red Tail Glass. This is a very hard choice. I will one day own all 3 I hope but for now I am leaning towards a custom fab from Redtail glass. Either that or a Bowman Window rig or any of the Pineapple pattern Percs from Hondo. Damn this is a hard choice! I guess I will just consider is which one is first and not worry about it and hope one day I have one of each.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
I also have my eye on a VERY nice piece from @Sleeping_glass (Mothership artist) That is a little pricey but I am in love with it.
I ordered a Redtail Glass custom bubble trap Venetian Fab this afternoon... But then I saw this! I'm In the lead here but it still has until 11AM DON"T OUTBID ME BITCHES lol haha
But your question sent me down a rabbit hole and I found this:
Better up your bid. No it is not me.