I am having trouble finding a quality egg anywhere. Either too expensive or everyone is out. Anybody have any leads?
Well, what's your budget?
clear or heady?
My lowest cost Egg was about $400 and my highest is $2500 out of the 7 I own. I was lucky and bought a Mothership before they became out of control and 2-3 price increases ago. When I bought list retail was $1400, The last one I saw this summer was $1900 list. They up cost on every order according to the owners of the 2 shops in Portland that carry them. I expect it will be $2100 next time. When I bought the shop had all 3 sizes of eggs to select from and they stayed on the shelf for they 2 weeks that took me to talk myself into buying one ☺ Today they last couple hours...
So some questions...
1) what's your budget?
2) clear or heady?
3) intended use: flower or oil?
Overall it will at least $600 for a half way decent clear from a tier 2 artist and can go up to $1500. Heady starts at $1,000. A tier 1 clear is probably over $2,000 aka mothership, quave, madrob, etc Heady tier 1 is over the top really.
Clear_dome off Boro market probably can get you a decent one for $600-700. That would be the minimine cost for a decent user.
Relax? Really?
I'd be prettified, knowing how clumsy I am and how much glass I break, with those beautiful intricate pieces!
I guess I could have them out for the very first run of the day
Oh you worry too much. They are made to be used and are nice and hardy aka. thick well made glass. Daily users

Now a detailed heady piece is different

You could use the Worm piece as a club almost.