Well I whipped out my purpleheart Z on the bronze RX DNA250 for the first time in unfortunately maybe over a year?

I had left the three paired Samsung 30Q inside it, as was always the plan, since it is a three pair and I have two bay chargers, after the initial charge, to just keep them in the mod and charge that way, forgetting how long it had been! So they are actually working fine, it is just that the screen on the mod has been drained, so it is very dim now, only when pressing the fire button it becomes a bit brighter so you can see it... Lucky that at least! Need to be more careful, and get a case for the triple pair if the downtime is going to be that long for the future (to catch up, this had been my least favorite Z, for some reason just didn't seem like as good a build as my other previous custom canary, although I also know PH wood can have more imparted flavors potentially although it is hardly in the air path here so I would blame the build since each one is a little unique anyway but also the mod is big and heavy as well) However I do really like the look of it, the purpleheart wood with the bronze mod, very nice superficial style, right? And the mod itself is extremely ergonomic actually, since it is larger than two battery mods which are a little small in the hand, unfortunately it is so much heavier though and that kind of ruins it lol
Anyway it is still working well, it could be that it is a little too tamed down on this mod with these settings, I never really tried it on another mod with wattage or anything so maybe it needs more of a proper burn in still...? (it had been heavily used at high temps though, anyway I might have done wattage burn in originally I don't remember even it's been so long) So the vapor quality is not the best when dry, but I was using it through one of my newer small water pieces at high temp and small bowls with 19/19 WPA in the sea turtle orb and GooRoo 3piece bubbler, sort of visible above, and watching the vapor fill that way it was quite effective actually! Not sure I could ever sell it, not sure it will see heavy regular rotation use though so I should still store the batteries outside probably to preserve the mod life...
In my testing, I took out my ZV1 on purple ravage red panda, to compare and this one was always a little more tamed as well (compared to my ZV2) which was also a nice experience through the small sea turtle orb and GooRoo 3piece bubbler, using the same weed same setup etc, the purpleheart may actually have the superior vape for quality after all lol hard to tell between them and the blackwood ZV2 (that one is now set up with arctic fox predator on a fearandlawyering base which seems to be the best for it, balanced tamely and beastly now, whereas before it was harder to control on the red panda mods) honestly... So this inspired me to finally get the original canary wood Z on red panda ravage to see what top vapor quality temp control would be like finally since it had been living on wattage surmyevic RXgen3D (where it was even used for convection dabs and generally high level through water quick hits)
Well it only confirms that it is the best after all! Smooth setup, coincidentally it was already locked to the right cold resistance, providing accurate temp control out of the gate and beautiful appearance...
I love canary wood (this was actually my first) a lot for the rainbows of pinks and reds that are inside the golden yellows of the grain (occasionally you can even see some blues) and was going to move it to a purple G3D before getting on the red panda ravage train, scoring the purple I loved too, the ZV1 had been on it until now, it belongs to this canary wood Z!
So this was a bowl of lemon cake, through the medium 508Phineas stem in a lovely matching purple glass (I have a shorty in the clearer pink glass that is great with milaana) that I started at 340f for a light starter hit as is typical with these, then another at 350 with some more vapor, one at 360 as you saw in the photo about that was great, thick and tasty without darkening the herb, I took another at 360 before jumping to 380 for two and then 390 then 400 with one hit at each (checking the load after each hit and reinserting so the stem was getting turned)... Tasted toasted, but didn't look too dark, so I dumped it on the table, carefully in a line, I could tell by looking at it and feeling it there was more to go, so I sucked it back up into the stem like a straw, in the reverse order I dumped it (if you can do this, it is the best way to stir imo) I then added a little bit of fresh green on top since there was room in the basket and I like to get a little more flavor as I finish a bowl this way... Turned it up to 420 for 3 more hits and dumped after the 4th as it tasted gnarly and done by my goal line! Reminded me why this is a great setup, all around really great session, and I forgot to mention yesterday I did do a couple hits through the GooRoo 3piece at high temp when I first put it on the new mod, so it still works great through water too! I will be working this canary ravage Z back into the regular rotation...