That answer is simply no, bc that will all be set up before it can become an issue, nothings falling through the cracks. Dealing with 50 customers who don't have the units while you're trying to build them and more is understandably not priority when they've been informed of delays. Get em done then handle issues, but so far everyone whose gotten one hasn't had any to speak of, only satisfaction...
It was stated specifically on the site that a question already answered in the FAQ will not get a response. For him now it is that hard to write any additional forms or letters bc there are more important things that need to get written, not to mention things that need to get physically built, to ensure this all can become the company we all want it to be. It simply is just nowhere near that stage right now (though it is well on track, as long as there are funds, with things being set up for mass production). As such any expectations otherwise are really kind of misplaced in my mind
You are ofcourse free to criticize all you like, just as I am free to defend. No one is shielding anything clearly, I do not think he overpromised judging by the entirety of the thread, and I think he actually totally overdelivered on the final product personally...