I can relate to this, to a degree. I think that some of the discontent is stemming from the feeling that we should be getting rapid fire updates this month, since production units are supposed to be shipping out, but we are getting less, because RBT is so busy trying to meet the promises made. IMO, it would be great if we heard a smidge about what has been holding things up in the past ~2 weeks, since the vibe was that the first set of production units should have been going out around then, and yet something has held things up a bit.
I think there's also a bit of a disconnect between the Zion 10 and the rest of us, as many of them have their beta units to use while waiting for the production model, and they are assured of getting their production units in the very first batch. The rest of us are waiting until they get their units before we can even know that shipping has started, and we know ours will be a few weeks/months later. I don't think that the relatively slight delays to this point are an indicator of any sort of big problem, but for those of us who are waiting a little longer for our Zions, the slight delays have shattered a bit of the excitement and unbound positivity about the Zion, as the reality of situation is that it may take a bit of time beyond what we originally thought to get our units (and by a bit of time, I mean just that, not GH scale delays). It's obvious that the beta testers are closer to having their units, so it's certainly easier for them to say to be patient. I think this is where the "bad vibe" comes from. People are just in slightly different situations in regards to waiting for their units. I think it would be useful for the beta testers to keep this in mind as well, because it is easier to be patient when you know you are first in line.
tl;dr it would be nice if RBT would pop in to let us know if we should expect further delays/what has been holding up the first wave, but I can completely understand that he's more concerned about getting them out the door. Beyond that, I think it's important to keep things in perspective. There's no reason to think there will be big delays at this point. I think we will all have our Zions soon.