It looks like pre-orders will still be shipping in 2016 according to RBT so if you ordered just recently I wouldn't expect your Zion until sometime in 2016.I'm glad things are going according to plan and you are ensuring a superior product, but is RBT saying November for everyone but the beta's? I purchased about a month ago (sept 8), and just want a ball park time frame, as it will directly affect how I manage my VAS - not kidding. If it's November, I can probably hold out, later than that there is no way, VAS will strike - HARD.
Who am I kidding? I'm about to pull three different triggers right now!
I think I'm more addicted to vaporizers and accessories than actual herb
How do we know if we are part of that 50? I thought mine was coming in October when I bought it, now I'm scared of this 2016 talk. I'm really trying to avoid having to buy a vaporizer to hold me over until I get the Zion, but idk if I can last to 2016 without a solid herb vape.
It looks like pre-orders will still be shipping in 2016 according to RBT so if you ordered just recently I wouldn't expect your Zion until sometime in 2016.
I feel ya with the VAS.
@Shit Snacks trying hard to be patient. My biggest fear is that by the time this thing shows I'll have been using oil exclusively for so long that buds won't even be an interest anymore.
I jumped in on the lifetime before it ended thinking those would be October shipping. I made a hard and fast rule to never buy anything until it is ready to ship, and the Zion is the only time I've broken that rule as well. Really trying not to get bit in the ass. I'm wondering how the thing will do in the cold Massachusetts winter because I'm feeling more of an Xmas vibe than Halloween vibe after these last few posts :/
I wish thats what the site said when I pre-ordered, not that it was shipping in October.
@Shit Snacks trying hard to be patient. My biggest fear is that by the time this thing shows I'll have been using oil exclusively for so long that buds won't even be an interest anymore.
I jumped in on the lifetime before it ended thinking those would be October shipping. I made a hard and fast rule to never buy anything until it is ready to ship, and the Zion is the only time I've broken that rule as well. Really trying not to get bit in the ass. I'm wondering how the thing will do in the cold Massachusetts winter because I'm feeling more of an Xmas vibe than Halloween vibe after these last few posts :/
I wish thats what the site said when I pre-ordered, not that it was shipping in October.
@Likes2vape before 2016 for all current pre orders.
I'm wondering how the thing will do in the cold Massachusetts winter
It really looks like most units wont be shipping until the end of November or the beginning of December.The majority of the 200 units are not sold as far as I know. I think RBT is saying the supply will last until 2016 not that the 200 will not be shipped until 2016. He also noted that after the first 25-50 in October the rest will start rolling out 2-3 weeks later. I am pretty certain that all of the pre orders and then some will be filled before the end of the year at the latest. I of course am just speculating and not speaking on behalf of RBT.
I was wondering the same thing......if I want to order the four pack of batteries, should there be every reason to believe that they will be shipped with my Zion that I had already ordered?
.....if I want to order the four pack of batteries, should there be every reason to believe that they will be shipped with my Zion that I had already ordered?
I was wondering the same thing.
That would be great! I'd love to have my Zion before Turkey day. Before Halloween would be even better but I am not counting on that and is just wishful thinking.Certainly, plenty of time clearly. But yeah once its green light afer the first 25-50 pilot run toward the end of the month, production really should fly through the rest of the current orders all within November. Its part of the complete process, of course unforseen things arise and can push it further, but asofnow I feel like most if not all current pre orders should seen Zions by the time December rolls around...
Yeah I would love to know where I am at in line and if my unit is shipping in the first 25-50 units or not. I sent a a pm and an email to @RastaBuddhaTao asking if he could see where I am at in terms of orders and also asking if I could get the batteries I ordered later shipped with the Zion but have never heard back. I guess I just have to wait until they send out the 1st batch of production units and keep my fingers crossed I'm in the first group.So is the idea once we get a serial number or whatever, it'll give us a general idea of where we fall in the first 50 or first 200? I know preorders are all about being patient, and I understand that, but it's hard to be patient if you have no estimate. From what I'm reading, all preorders should be fulfilled by the end of the year, and most (if not all) will be shipped by end of November. Of course this assumes no issues arising with the first production batch.
Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited and have enough confidence in RBT that I cancelled another preorder that is going about the entire process the wrong way (*cough*GH*cough*). I guess I just want to know which batch I fall into since it's very hard to guess how many preorders were made.
Think once we a receive our serial numbers we'll have a better idea of were we stand in linePlease direct any business related correspondence through our web page form. We apologize for not answering questions about shipping times and orders as we will be emailing customers this week to ensure that their order is correct and let them know their serial number.
I was with RBT last night. The serial numbers will denote your place in line. Barring some kind catastrophe or act of God everyone will have their Zion's well before the New Year and more than likely before the end of November. We are talking about 100 hand assembled vapes here not thousands. All of the wood bodies are done and all of the parts are in. RBT works a full time engineering job and goes right into production mode after that. He worked until 1 am last night to make sure you will all experience the power and awe of Zion sooner than later. I would save all the worry and speculation for that "other" vape. The Zion has gone from concept to production super fast because of all of the support from the FC beta testers. Production is where RBT wants every unit to be perfect. My suggestion, with no disrespect intended, if patience is not one of your virtues skip pre-ordering things.![]()
I know at least one hasAlready pre-ordered my Zion in September to get in on the lifetime warranty. I'm considering placing a pre-order for the single battery unit. Have 50 of those been pre-ordered already?