I haven't got much wood working skill/tools. I've got a trusty rotary tool though not enough for proper tooling of a case.
I can however experiment with electronics, and will gladly contribute chunks of what I've designed so far on my project and have someone else work on casing etc.
I've got zero experience with resistive vapes. I have an Arizer air which I haven't modded much (I did build a bag filling mod for it though) and now vapcaps which I'm building a PID controlled induction heater for (see my recent posts).
From what I've read so far, about 45 Watts should do.
What is missing on the electronics side?
The DC/DC buck converters that seem to be used in these mods look pretty cool, and some are controllable via SMBUS. They do have overcurrent protection but are missing relevant undervoltage protection (it's usually too low).
My current project is based on 2x18650 cells. It's got an
S-8252 for battery protection and I'm finalizing design of an upgraded battery changer based on an MP2639A. There's also power monitoring (INA219) and an ATSAMD21 (~Arduino Zero)+ Oled.
It may not be too far off to plop in a resistive heater instead of the induction part and I could run PID on the power output. I could PWM a suitable N-channel MOSFET at a few Khz? or stick in something like an OKR-T/10. - This may be a 'relatively' quick mod to my existing design.
Instead of building this is a module for my project, I could also try design something more minimal just with the battery protection + charging module + a DC/DC module. In either case, I'm flexible with how it could work, and could be provided as solder yourself kits, populated PCBs as part of a kit, or whatever..'
So, I can't commit to any 3d-modelling, wood working, or anything, though I'd love to play around with these heaters and contribute what I can. I'd be glad to share pretty much everything I've designed so far, specially if my project could benefit from things here too, who knows.. interchangeable IH module / resistive convection module??

- or a shared platform with similar casing, or completely different projects and share some collaboration.. Anyway, gotta go for now...