Random thoughts


Well-Known Member

That's Francesca Fiorentini, a comedian and political commentator who has a show called The Bitchuation Room (lol). I don't watch it but I'm familiar enough with her commentary to know you'll be better informed listening to her than CNN or MSNBC.

Her husband is comedian Matt Lieb who has a show called "Bad Hasbara" which he's deemed, "The World's Most Moral Podcast". Dude is hilarious.



A little house with three bedrooms,
One bathroom and one car on the street;
A mower that you had to push
To make the grass look neat.
In the kitchen on the wall
We only had one phone,
And no need for recording things,
Someone was always home.
We only had a living room
Where we would congregate;
Unless it was at mealtime
In the kitchen where we ate.
We had no need for family rooms
Or extra rooms to dine.
When meeting as a family
Those two rooms worked out just fine.
We only had one TV set
And channels, maybe two,
But always there was one of them
With something worth the view
For snacks we had potato chips
That tasted like a chip.
And if you wanted flavor
There was Lipton's onion dip.
Store-bought snacks were rare because
My mother liked to cook,
And nothing can compare to snacks
In Betty Crocker's book
Weekends were for family trips
Or staying home to play.
We all did things together,
Even go to church to pray.
When we did our weekend trips
Depending on the weather,
No one stayed at home because
We liked to be together.
Sometimes we would separate
To do things on our own,
But we knew where the others were
Without our own cell phone.
Then there were the movies
With your favorite movie star,
And nothing can compare
To watching movies in your car
Then there were the picnics
At the peak of summer season,
Pack a lunch and find some trees
And never need a reason.
Get a baseball game together
With all the friends you know,
Have real action playing ball
And no game video.
Remember when the doctor
Used to be the family friend,
And didn't need insurance
Or a lawyer to defend?
The way that he took care of you
Or what he had to do,
Because he took an oath and strived
To do the best for you.
Remember going to the store
And shopping casually,
And when you went to pay for it
You used your own money?
Nothing that you had to swipe
Or punch in some amount,
And remember when the cashier person
Had to really count?
The milkman used to drive a truck
And go from door to door,
And it was just a few cents more
Than going to the store.
There was a time when mailed letters
Came right to your door,
Without a lot of junk mail ads
Sent out by every store.
The mailman knew each house by name
And knew where it was sent;
There were not loads of mail addressed
To "present occupant”
There was a time when just one glance
Was all that it would take,
And you would know the kind of car,
The model and the make
They didn't look like turtles
Trying to squeeze out every mile;
They were streamlined, white walls, fins and “skirts”,
And really had some style
One time the music that you played
Whenever you would jive,
Was from a vinyl, big-holed record
Called a forty-five
The record player had a post
To keep them all in line,
And then the records would drop down
And play one at a time.
Oh sure, we had our problems then,
Just like we do today
And always we were striving,
To find a better way.
Oh, the simple life we lived,
Still seems like so much fun.
How can you explain the game,
“Just kick the can and run?”
And all us boys put baseball cards
Between our bicycle spokes;
And for a nickel, red machines
Had little bottled Cokes?
This life seemed so much easier;
Slower in some ways.
I love the new technology,
But I sure do miss those days.
So time moves on and so do we,
And nothing stays the same;
But I sure love to reminisce
And walk down memory lane.
With all today's technology
We grant that it's a plus!
But it's fun to look way back and say,
Hey look, guys, THAT WAS US!


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Active Member
I apologize for what I am about to say. America has never needed allies, but states that were "in bondage" to America because of its economic power. The economic power is spread across many countries where it was previously concentrated in America. Unfortunately, America's government cannot cope with this, is selling Europe and wants to divide it again, is trying to subjugate trading partners with tariffs in order to gain and renegotiate advantages, "occupy" raw materials and regain control of South America. Exactly what they have continued to lose....


Well-Known Member
I apologize for what I am about to say. America has never needed allies, but states that were "in bondage" to America because of its economic power.

I hope Europeans are finally understanding the money isn't worth it and is quickly drying up anyway. We're an incredibly unreliable partner.

regain control of South America.

This will be difficult given the Leftist "Pink Wave" taking over South America. A week ago, I'd mention Argentina is a notable exception. But it looks like the Anarcho-Capitalist Revolution there is not long for this world.

LOL I've never seen Milei speak before. He looks and sound like he has a brain eating amoeba. People voted for this creature?


Well-Known Member
They voted for trump here. I don't think we're in a position to criticize who anybody else votes for.
I didn't vote for Trump. I'm perfectly capable of criticizing anyone who votes for anyone. Whether that criticism is worth listening to or not depends completely on what the audience of the critique believes. It doesn't have to be so all in. Shades of gray, friend, shades of gray.

Also, I sincerely recommend de Beauvoir for anyone interested in finding some level of subjective, personal certainty in an objectively-ambiguous world. "Ethics of Ambuiguity" slaps!


Well-Known Member
They voted for trump here. I don't think we're in a position to criticize who anybody else votes for.

I've never gotten it, but Trump was literally the host of two very popular Game Shows. That requires some charisma. TV Country voted for TV President. Millie looks and sounds like a sickly Men in Black alien.



Active Member
They voted for trump here. I don't think we're in a position to criticize who anybody else votes for.
What's funny is that America doesn't want to interfere in domestic politics, fair and square. But it does with its "vassals".

I hope Europeans are finally understanding the money isn't worth it and is quickly drying up anyway. We're an incredibly unreliable partner.
Unfortunately, most Europeans seem to hope that it will all be over in four years. But America has always been like this, not just now, always since WW2, even under Obama, Clinton, Kennedy and so on. Just not as aggressive.
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, most Europeans seem to hope that it will all be over in four years.

The same exact dynamics that are playing out in America are mirrored in most of Europe. Feckless, incompetent Liberal parties that will probably be replaced by proto-fascists as soon as there's another election.


Unregulated Tendencies
Remember when the gardeners
Were only black not brown
You’d see them on the neighbors’ lawns
But never past sundown

Or when the most exotic food
Was Chinese take-away
They’d cross the ocean just to cook
But we wouldn’t let them stay

If you chanced to know an Indian
They’d be the feather kind not dot
In fairness our discoverer
Was convinced they were one lot

There’s whitewash on the memories
A common thing to do
Women faced their share as well
So today they say, “Me too.”

(Not dissing nostalgia. Just having some fun. ✌️)
So time moves on and so do we,
And nothing stays the same;
But I sure love to reminisce
And walk down memory lane.
With all today's technology
We grant that it's a plus!
But it's fun to look way back and say,
Hey look, guys, THAT WAS US!


Well-Known Member
Thinking about the whole Ukraine debacle. Has arming Right Wing paramilitaries and then stabbing them in the back ever...how should I put this... had a negative effect on skylines in major American cities before?

When I was a kid in the 90's, terrorists in movies usually weren't brown Muslims. They were white guys with Eastern European accents.

Just a random thought!


Well-Known Member
I think they just gotta let Luigi walk. Our Health Insurance System murders tens of thousands of Americans every year. All so that shareholders can get rich without having to work. An insider trading CEO getting his brains blown out every now and then is simply the cost of doing business :shrug:

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