Ronny Boy, you've made me smile, on this - frosty - morning!Titties
My random thought is titties
That is all
Best tv show ever.
I'm not a Trekkie but if the original series has been remastered I'll definitely get it. Am I right in thinking that the original series comes next in the timeline after ENTERPRISE?
I'm old enough to remember watching it every week as a kid. And it has the proper theme music.
Damn. I thought this bedside lamp would seal the deal when the ladies stop by
good taste all around !!Stoned purchase at the Gaslamp Artisan Market today, a comforting bedside lamp.
Think @nenmayk would approve
suffering leads to killingLessons Learned in 'Star Wars'
I’ve got two very old TV trays with all the H-B characters on them; they survived a fire at my parents. I also have quite a few of the H-B stars on “collectors” glasses, I was convinced as a child that was a solid investment that would someday somehow make me rich, lol! I’m a big cartoon fan, but my all-time favourite is a Tom & Jerry, “Zoot Suit Cat” one of the few where they talk, and they talk like hep-cats!Hannah-Barbera peopled my childhood with Tom and Jerry, Snaggle Puss, Huckleberry Hound and Yogi Bear. Good times....