Peace all.
Sigh. It did say random thoughts in the title, so here goes.
I lurked on FC for years as I made sublingual RSO at home to treat chronic pain.
Then I got pancreatic cancer and had to get more out of my supply, etc. So I became a member at FC. I know, big whoop.
It was a big deal - and still is - to me. I don't do twitter, fb, ig, abcdefg, none of it. My "ptsd" says so.
It was how you all treated each other here on FC that made me finally choose it as my home - there's some rough and ignorant places out there online in the cannabis world imo, some of you may feel the samew.
People here on FC like DieHard and herbivore21 just thought they were helping me refine my qwet.
They were saving my life.
Earlier this year, after 18 months on my FC-refined RSO method, I logged back on to FC. Alive and not getting dead (for now). And I wanted to give something back in gratitude, even if it was just "showing up and suiting up".
I spent this year looking at new stuff on FC - working my way through shatter, rosin, glass (got GAS pretty bad), but...
The Vapor Lounge was where all the "cool kids" went. I could handle talking on the objective platform of tek or cannabis genetics. I could even post a few pics of my stuff. But...I don't think so...
A few people (peace out kelly and ataxian) helped me feel like I was at home, and had friends. A few FC'ers had told me for a while to wander on over to the Lounge.
Fine I thought, I'll try. Got ready to eeeeeaaasse on in. Just like in high school, I would go the the cool hangout, but stay outside and get my eyeballs on things, find a brood of goths or something for cover... (too much Paul Tompkins, sorry).
I looked around just a few days ago for the first time Oh yeah, there was an election...I'm just glad to be alive no matter *who* is running the show...
For me, it was like showing up and the bloods and the crips just had a gangfight. Authorities taking notes from everyone ("He said what, sir? I see, and then again in pm you say?"), police tape across threads where blood was spilled, red and blue bandanas everywhere...
Please, I am begging you as I say it out into the air - the Universe, God, Karma, anyone?
Please don't take my heroes and teachers away from me.
Peace and healing out to everyone.