At the 6th level of consciousness you identify with your physical environment 50% and start living a double life, in the world but not of it
At 6th level of consciousness you are in the world, not of it: You show people the physical realities they know, not the true spirit inside!
At 6th level of consciousness you are bridging between spirituality and physical realities: You are a dual ambassador, a great double-agent!
At 6th level of consciousness you are constantly translating between spirituality and various social and physical realities, creating fusion.
At the 6th level of consciousness you spend half the time physically manifesting inspiration, and half the time interpreting spiritual signs.
At 6th level of consciousness you are a person of many masks, many social roles and identities, but only one true, Higher Self: YOU ARE LOVE.
At the 6th level of consciousness you play many games, you learn the rules of systems, and you adapt to each one so that spirit lives in you.
At the 6th level of consciousness you identify the right time, the right place, and the right person to receive a spiritual message from you.
At the 6th level of consciousness you meditate while working so that you can mediate people’s conflicts and help humanity move toward Heaven.
At the 6th level of consciousness you have parallel thoughts in your mind, parallel emotions in your heart, because you are a spirit bridge!
You make transition from 6th level of consciousness to 7th level when you are no longer a spiritual bridge because everyone is now spiritual.
You enter the 7th level of consciousness when you create Heaven on Earth with each thought, feeling and action every single day of your life.
At 7th level of consciousness you identify with your physical environment 40% and start living from your heart, mind, spirit and soul daily!
At 7th level of consciousness you live from your heart, mind, spirit, body and soul, all simultaneously, as a complete, balanced human being.
At 7th level of consciousness you live from your heart by connecting with people, animals and plants emotionally, communicating with energy!
At the 7th level of consciousness you sense what is inside people’s hearts, what hurts them the most, what gives them joy, and you heal them.
At the 7th level of consciousness you live from your mind by connecting with people psychically, reading their minds, knowing their thoughts.
At 7th level of consciousness you see the thoughts that motivate every action and you help people change those thoughts so they have clarity.
At 7th level of consciousness you live from your spirit, connecting with people, animals, plants and energies over vast distances and times
At 7th level of consciousness you see people’s spiritual paths, their deepest yearnings, and you help them to stay connected to spirituality.
At 7th level of consciousness you live from your body, hugging people with warm, overwhelming embraces and touching their emotional centres!
At the 7th level of consciousness you live from your soul, knowing intuitively how the human race is evolving and taking actions to help it!
You make transition from 7th to 8th level of consciousness when you expand your spirit to connect with all energies around you every second!
You enter 8th level of consciousness when you become symbiotically connected to every person you meet, animal you touch, and every vibration.
At the 8th level of consciousness you identify with your environment 30% but connect within yourself, with other people, and other energies!
At the 8th level of consciousness we realize that all feeling, thought and action is based on greater and lesser degrees of vibrating energy.
At the 8th level of consciousness you learn how to change your vibrations to match the vibration of each form of energy you communicate with.
At 8th level of consciousness you are able to sense intense vibrations from very far away: You know when people are in pain or feeling loved.
At the 8th level of consciousness you communicate with people and other forms of energy through your dreams and spiritual exercises each day.
At 8th level of consciousness you know immediately when you must stop everything you are doing to send spiritual messages to someone in need.
At 8th level of consciousness you can influence other people’s actions with your vibrations, somewhat like the Jedi mind trick in Star Wars!
At the 8th level of consciousness you are a servant of Spirit: You use material resources as needed to serve the purpose of awakening others.
At the 8th level of consciousness you sense the spiritual needs of each energy in your environment: Their energies enter you, you enter them.
You make transition from 8th to 9th level of consciousness when your thoughts and feelings become so strong that they transform every person.
You enter the 9th level of consciousness when you walk into rooms and everyone instantly feels pure love, changing their feelings and being!
At 9th level of consciousness you identify with your physical environment 20%. You are becoming pure energy within and you transform others!
At 9th level of consciousness you transform people you meet and communicate with, improving their lives by raising their spiritual awareness.
At the 9th level of consciousness you develop a powerful presence that penetrates the being of people you know: You overwhelm them with LOVE.
At the 9th level of consciousness your mind, heart, body, spirit, and soul are fused together in a constant state of meditation and praying!
At 9th level of consciousness you no longer see yourself as mind, heart, body, spirit and soul because you are connected with universal love.
At 9th level of consciousness you lead social movements, start religions, transform communities, and raise people’s energy levels constantly.
At 9th level of consciousness you are a healer, a mystic, a clairvoyant, a psychic, a seer, a prophet, a magician, a fortune teller. Spirit!
At the 9th level of consciousness you generate so much love that people and animals make existence effortless. Work is replaced by pleasure!
At 9th level of consciousness you have millions of “children” from thousands of spiritual partners, people you have inspired with pure love!
At the 9th level of consciousness you spread love, joy, and peace everywhere, creating peaceful communities wherever you go and ending war!
You make transition from 9th to 10th level of consciousness when you no longer have to be in a place for your loving existence to be enjoyed.
You enter the 10th level of consciousness when you dream and people’s lives change; you talk and people act; you write and the world changes.
At 10th level of consciousness you identify with your physical environment 10%. Your spirit absorbs so much that you feel/act through others
At 10th level of consciousness you can perform seemingly amazing feats of physical and mental activities because love makes you super-human!
At 10th level of consciousness you live in your own spiritual universe: You move and everyone moves with you. You accelerate your evolution!
At the 10th level of consciousness your total being integrates with other people to form a collective spirit: When you act, you act together.
At the 10th level of consciousness you communicate with all beings, all energies, on all levels of consciousness simultaneously in pure form.
At the 10th level of consciousness your total being absorbs the universe, focusing infinite divine power on all things around you to create!
At the 10th level of consciousness you become God’s magnifying glass: Wherever your attention focuses you spread the fire of inner lightning.
At the 10th level of consciousness you are not only a constant enhanced version of yourself, you enhance other people with your loving mind!
At the 10th level of consciousness you project so much energy that the foolish become wise, the poor feel rich, the hungry feel full inside!
At the 10th level of consciousness you can share your love with all sentient beings on Earth, from those in poverty to the rich and powerful.
At 10th level of consciousness you become aware of your spiritual mission on Earth: You focus on completing your mission, then transcending!
Once you reach the 10th level of consciousness you can stay connected with the 10% of your physical environment, or you can leave and travel
At the 10th level of consciousness you complete your soul’s purpose for being in physical form. You confront a choice: Leave Earth, or stay?
At 10th level of consciousness, if you decide to leave Earth you enter the 1st level of cosmic being; if you decide to stay you guide Spirit.
Not saying

Just saying

Without 'ever' saying
Pure Peace