she thinks nothing of cranking select tracks off Neutral Milk Hotel's 'In an Aeroplane Over the Sea' at high volume at 4AM on my (also) bequeathed Bang & Olufson...
Fun Fact. Elvis has been dead longer than he was alive.
As a former cig smoker with over 25 years cig-free, it surely is a wake-up call viewing pack prices in what I've saved. When I smoked, cartons cost $2 at the PX. $18/carton at Oregon Costco. Yeah, I'm old as fuck.
Is Tik Tok addicting?
I don't have the app but I occasionally get sent a Tik Tok video. Right after watching the video another video cues up and I'm seriously tempted to watch it but I don't.
I'm noticing new Tik Tok app users in my family falling into the Tik Tok rabbit hole for hours. In many cases its almost like they're hypnotized. Watching TV and a commercial comes on....Tik Tok, listening to the news and switching news stories.....Tik Tok.
Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying this addiction, if that's what it is, is a serious problem. Just noticed that some folks are watching these things for hours.
Also, just a hat tip to the mods who are doing an excellent job - often these things go unappreciated so here's a big thank you