Rand Paul Makes My Day!


Vapor Sloth
This 5 minute vid of Rand Paul speaking on consumer choice made my day. He takes this lady that wants to outlaw regular light bulbs, flush toilets that DO work and rips her apart, intellectually. I wish all of the control freaks in Washington could have heard this. Actually I think a lot of them did! :)



Edit: The Official Title is: "Sen. Paul questions the Department of Energy's commitment to protecting consumer choice during consideration of Appliance/Light Bulb Energy-Efficiency Legislation"

Edit: Yes Big Brother, I want you out of my bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and most importantly, my medicine chest.
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Well-Known Member
I like this guy!

Does he have a lot of influence? I hope he does because this is a man that knows what people want from their government.

(ps. at first i thought you were high and was talking about Ron Paul lol)



Herbal Alchemist
Maybe he isn't so bad. Ron Paul is his dad, and I like him. :)


mmj patient under siege by the obama admin
i have no sympathy for the old style light bulb. learn about nikola tesla and his contributions to society and you'll be ashamed of supporting anything thomas edison.

secondly, i cringe when i hear people champion the "consumer". consumer culture is a death sentence. when i think of consumption i thing of locust plagues, cancer and black holes. i refuse to model my life after cancer.


Well-Known Member
It's not so much about the light bulb. It might be for him but he is representing the people.

You could replace why do you restrict my toilet choice for ;why do you restrict my choice of buying raw milk?
Or why do you want to have all my food irratiated? Why do you want all corn to be GMO's?
Why do you restrict my choice of clean water by polluting it with fluoride?

We need to have critical thinkers in the government, and i can see he is the son of Ron Paul because he is too.
And Ron Paul is about conserving energy too! Because he knows about exponential growth and our energy crisis.

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Vapor Sloth
Thank you elevation for stating that so well. Its a freedom thing not a light bulb thing. However, the new CFLs are full of mercury. If you break one you need a HAZMAT team to clean it up. LED bulbs are the future.



Well-Known Member
I am a dutch citizen, but i'm interested in all world politics.

Explain your critisism.



I have more than a few criticism of Rand Paul. We can start with the simple one's first, the fact that he is calling the grass root's occupy wall street movement a "mob" yet, not once do I recall hearing him call the tea party protest as "mobs". The tea party protest that had people bringing guns, that sounds like a mob more than the occupy wall street movement does. And if it wasn't for the corporate funded tea party he would have never got elected. The real members of the tea party, before it got highjacked by a bunch of PAC's, the original Ron Paul tea party are at those occupy wall street movement's so it's a bit fucked for Rand to call them "mobs". I also never heard him call this crowd of his supporters a mob either http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20020717-503544.html

Then there is his whole stance on the civil rights act, which is where the nutty side of his Libertarian views come out to play, much like his fathers. Here is a quote of his from a Rachel Maddow show, "I would never belong to any club that excluded anybody for race. We still do have private clubs in America that can discriminate based on race. But I think what's important about this debate is not written into any specific 'gotcha' on this, but asking the question: What about freedom of speech? Should we limit speech from people we find abhorrent? Should we limit racists from speaking? . . . I don't want to be associated with those people, but I also don't want to limit their speech in any way in the sense that we tolerate boorish and uncivilized behavior because that's one of the things freedom requires." So we all can agree that anyone can say anything they please, but does anyone here also believe that a grocery store or a gas station should be able to refuse service to anyone because of how they look?

He is also a eye doctor that is board-certified by the National Board of Ophthalmology, That's his group that he is on the board of. The guy likes to pretend he is a real eye doctor.. that's more than sad and disheartening. Nothing new though, my senator, Mark Kirk lied about winning Navy Officer of the year. Real Patriot, huh?

and for what he says in the video posted, I can see his point. But the fact is regulation is needed in many instances, especially in a Capitalist marketplace where profit is all that matters. No regulation and you get lead in children's toys, contaminated food, unsafe cars. Lack of regulation gave us the BP oil spill. Everyone enjoys the benefits of the regulation standards set by our government, but I assume most just don't think enough about it, just like how everyone screams Socialism and then uses streets, the post office, city water and sewage, fire departments, police, ect.. And when did toilets become so damn sacred? It's a bucket filled with water and shit :lol:

So he keeps bitching about "restricting his choices" but he doesn't mind if a private business restricts service and goods to someone based on race? :| And also, what does the guy eat that makes his shit so nasty and huge that he can't flush it? I have never had a shit that couldn't flush, he either uses waaay too much toilet paper, which means he doesn't care about conservation like he said he does, or he shits cement?

and his wise father http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BXTKrbGbZs

Considering the state of health care in this country that stance is just fucked IMO. Protect the corporation at all cost, but never the consumer. Is that libertarian? Because forcing a company that takes money in turn for a guarantee of health care when needed, to actually provide said health care, well that's just "big government oversight" right? Never knew Libertarian meant corporatist.


Vapor Sloth
aesthyrian said:
How closely does everyone posting in this thread follow politics?

As soon as I saw this post I knew there was going to be trouble, so I waited, and then it came, too long in its partisan beauty to quote here. I opted out of the 2 party political system a long time ago, it is just political kabuki theater. Ever wonder why the new boss is the same as the old boss? If I recall the original post said "Rand Paul Makes my Day", I didn't say week, or month or year or even life, just day. This thread was about freedom vs big govt. sticking their noses in our shit all the time. Its about freedom vs tyranny, not left vs right, liberal vs conservative or any of that other crap. So if anyone wishes to discuss the merits of freedom over forms of tyranny like socialism, fascism etc. or how America is turning into a police state please be my guest. If you want to start a 2 party war aesthyrian, with all due respect, please go start it in your own thread.



WatTyler said:
t-dub said:
.... over forms of tyranny like socialism......
Whhaaattt???? :lol: only in America :lmao:

Thank you. Seriously, what a joke. Helping eachother? That's insane. We crave a winner and a loser. Even if the winner is a multi-million dollar health "insurance" powerhouse and the loser is a hard worker who became ill and died at 50 when denied treatment by the people he has paid most of his life. Yet you can sail to Cuba and get free healthcare even not as a citizen. Hell, grown men are commiting crimes just to get treatment in jail. Makes me sick. And t-dub, you really feel you can create a political based thread and then say "start your own" after one person clearly and thoughtfully explained their opinion. Which I find so much more reasonable. Its lightbulbs and toilets people, don't you think we have bigger issues to worry about? Like how China owns us? Should I say damn their intelligence, or damn our stupidity?


Vapor Sloth
Once again I will say, I started this because I saw someone standing up for less government intrusion into our lives. Thats it. I didn't mean to start a political fight between factions. Its definitely my fault for not stating things clearly enough in the beginning. This thread was about less government in our lives, something I thought we could discuss without things degenerating into a left/right political fight. I also never said aesthyrian's post was wrong, it was just taking the conversation away from the topic and was heading towards a very polarizing discussion. If you can fault me for this then report me to vtac and have this thread closed.



t-dub said:
If I recall the original post said "Rand Paul Makes my Day", I didn't say week, or month or year or even life, just day. This thread was about freedom vs big govt. sticking their noses in our shit all the time. Its about freedom vs tyranny, not left vs right, liberal vs conservative or any of that other crap. So if anyone wishes to discuss the merits of freedom over forms of tyranny like socialism, fascism etc. or how America is turning into a police state please be my guest. If you want to start a 2 party war aesthyrian, with all due respect, please go start it in your own thread.


My apologies. In an attempt to help get your thread back on track I'll leave with a happy ending video of Rand making my day, on an issue of true importance. Good on Rand Paul(R), Mike Lee(R), Ron Wyden(D), who I hope you support since you live in Oregon, Patty Murray(D), and Bernie Sanders(Scary socialist!) for not voting on the extension of the patriot act in the Senate.

The patriot act is the definition of too much government in our lives, and it has nothing to do with toilets or light bulbs. I just hope we don't let smaller issues distract us from the much larger problems like the patriot act (which Obama signed an extension of) and the complete lack of regulation and oversight in wall street, which should have been fixed years ago when the problem became unavoidable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzjYUmi5_IQ


Vapor Sloth
Totally agree on the Patriot Act, aesthyrian, excellent point. Looks like judicial review and due process are becoming things of the past in modern America. The extrajudicial killing campaign being waged by our government is also a major cause of concern.



mmj patient under siege by the obama admin
to me, less government means more corporate control. and there's already enough of that. with politicians, at least you can vote them out. you have no voting rights when a corporation is given free reign to rape and pillage the assets of the people of the united states.


WatTyler said:
t-dub said:
.... over forms of tyranny like socialism......
Whhaaattt???? :lol: only in America :lmao:

:D too true mate! Always makes me chuckle to hear people talk about freedom like it's some clearly defined political movement or ethos. Saying you want freedom over tyranny is like saying you want a blowjob instead of being bum-raped - a rather obvious choice IMO.

Definitely agree the govt gets too big for its boots and needs a good kick up the arse from time to time though!

But honestly I'd much rather have my government (even if it's a conservative one) in control of my National Health Service (a freedom that our colonial cousins have yet to enshrine in their constitution - yep freedom to shoot each other is definitely more important...) than a privately-run corporation whose only interest is profits and not patients.

As SSS and aesthyrian write above there are bigger things to worry about than such minutiae and even if the govt does fuck them up it's a lot easier to vote them out next time around than trying to bring down a multi-national corporation.


^ Gary Johnson stole that show. Too bad he is way too sane for the Republicans to allow him to be their nominee. Good for the Dem's though, because ever other option at this point is a complete fucking joke.


Vapor Sloth
Look, I wanna apologize if I came down hard on aesthyrian earlier but here were my thoughts at the time:

1) I am a political atheist. I hate both sides, its all a show to distract from the real powers that be anyways.

2) My intent with any post on FC to is bring us together as a community, not divide, so I wasn't endorsing Rand or anything, I guess I should have spelled that out in the OP better. Mea Culpa.

Having said that, and since it seems there is interest, I have to say that I think every Republican candidate is either a psychopath, except Ron Paul, or to some degree at least a pathological liar, and a few other assorted mental disorders as well.

Edit: Brief political commentary removed, I stand by my mental diagnosis however.



Vapor Sloth
Yep, should never have said anything. I was thinking hypothetically, musing so to speak, I am just going to remove my party affiliation and drop out of the political scene all together. Sorry but my health and peace of mind are more important.

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