I keep coming back to this thread and I am struggling with how to word things without causing offense.
So here goes,
Please do not take any offense at what I have written I mean none and feel that as individuals, and not all the same individual, we all react differently to different situations.
12 years ago I was a heavy smoker. I never felt the need to smoke tobacco and always smoked neat singles on occasion with a generous smear of BHO just for good measure. I could smoke as much as I wanted it was 'on tap'. So I did 28g+ per week. BHO also on tap.
I would not smoke before or during work hours if it involved the safety of others. This would be most days as I work in the electrical industry and it doesn't look good if you fry a customer.
I did however undertake many different jobs some of which didn't need the same level of concentration. I smoked all day when these jobs appeared as did the crew I worked with.
Not long after this I had to stop smoking. My life took turn a turn onto 'Shit Street' and smoking made me feel very uncomfortable and I knew I had to stop. I was old enough and wise enough to know that the weed was making my head race and to stop this I had to quit. This combined with an imminent drug test made me understand that I had no choice but to stop.
I stopped cold turkey 28+g's a day to zero. I don't get the withdrawal some people go thru. I just stopped outright and although I craved it every now and again I didn't need it. After all cannabis has no 'physical dependence'. I put the cravings down to habit. Like a morning coffee or an after work beer. Neither of which I do now. Never done coffee or tea and stopped alcohol a year ago next month thru choice.
When I stopped I ate, slept and conducted my day to day life in the same but different manner. The difference being I didn't smoke or for that matter feel the need to. I had access to it but knew the only way to get to the other side of 'the street' was abstinence.
I was asked several times by smokers and non-smokers if my memory and concentration levels had improved and they hadn't even after years off I was the same. No improvement. I do feel concentration and memory are something which some people need to practice, especially memory.
I understand that for people who use weed for medical issues your situation is a totally different one and my opinions can cannot be applied to your situation.
So now I have to 'cut to the chase'. I mean this in the nicest way possible and this is my opinion and not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. I am sorry but I am more than a little direct on this subject.
To all the people who struggle with quitting my only advice is to get your shit together the only problem I can see is you.
Stop outright weaning can just lead to a lower level of dependence and prolong the quitting process.
If you can't sleep or are off your food you need to stop concentrating on this. The more you think about it the more stressed you become and the less likely it will happen.
Occupy your day to the max. Go and enjoy the outdoors. As a friend used to say 'feel the breeze'.
The problem is all in your mind and once you have addressed that you should be able to move on with your life. The fresher the air the better.
Yes you will have to retrain yourself but that's all it is. It's not like you are an alcoholic or junkie.
The mind is a very, very powerful thing and if you need to quit either thru choice or it's being forced upon you then you will be able to do it I have no doubt once you allow yourself to re-take control you will look back and wonder why you struggled.
I now vape about 3/3.5g's a week and still practice the same ideals. I don't get hammered when I am working. Unless it's mundane or creative.
I again have it on tap but I chose my consumption level. If I do to much I can get those uncomfortable feeling so I just back off a bit. I don't think that feeling will ever fully leave. So I deal with it rather than it deal with me.
All the best to you and I hope you get where you want to be. Once again in the nicest way get your shit together and you will see just how easy it is and you will wonder why you made a fuss out of nothing.
As an after thought have any of the people who are experiencing difficulties stopping tried CBD oil? Who knows it may work for some it seems to help with a lot of things.