Question about my generic 'orb' vapouriser.

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Hey all. Hope you're all well.

Firstly, I want to apologise if then questions I'm asking here are a tad 'nooby', but whilst I've done my homework and stuff, my actual experience with vapourisers is limited. I quit smoking about two years back, and for almost a year now, I've quite using my bong and been using a vapouriser instead. I did go for the cheapest I could since I was skint back then, but it's served me wonderfully and I've not felt the need for another.

It didn't have any kind of name bar "USA Vaporiser".

So here's the actual question: In terms of efficiency, how good would you say a device like this would be? It just heats up the plate and I usually vape until the stuff is a dark brown and then just add it to my jar of remains and stems which I'll cook at some point.
Also, after having a browse around here, I'm thinking of linking up a plastic bottle full of hot water and running the vapour through that, since lately I have been getting a sore throat after vapourising. (Bar the occasional tolerance break, I'm a daily vape-er.).

Thanks in advance for replying and stuff ^^;


welcome to the site! I have good and bad news. the bad news is imo you got one crappy vape on your hands! on the bright side if you are happy with it you are going to see there has been a whole lot of improvement to the vaporizer scene since the orb style was invented in the 90's (maybe even earlier? that's when i heard of the orb style bought one and was angry that I wasted my money.)

I'd say you should consider getting yourself a newer vape. it will cost you a little money but the investment will be worth it. if you are happy with your current vape then maybe consider a portable to compliment it?

im glad your found FC thought you literally found the best place for vapor info on the net imo!


Hehe, thanks dude. And I am actually considering buying a new vapouriser, but wanted information in general first. I periodically have to rinse out the bowl with isopropanol and evapourate out what's left due to the amount that condenses on the inside, what kind of vapourisers would you recommend where I don't have to do that.
I'm not exactly loaded but I can go up to £100, £150 at the very very most. I'm liking the look of the silver surfer though. Just reading up about it as I type this.


Also, what kind of improvements am I looking at? As in, what is it that makes the type I have crap? Since apart from a bit of that burnt-popcorny taste when I'm nearing the end of the bowl, I don't notice anything amiss, but that might just be me.


Well-Known Member
Also, what kind of improvements am I looking at? As in, what is it that makes the type I have crap? Since apart from a bit of that burnt-popcorny taste when I'm nearing the end of the bowl, I don't notice anything amiss, but that might just be me.

I've never seen that style of vape before, but a couple things jump out. First, there's a lot of surface area for vapor to condense on, in both the glass orb and the long whip. Any vapor that's condensing inside your vape isn't making it to your lungs, so another model with a shorter airpath and without that huge dome up top would be much more efficient with your herb. Second it looks like the herb is heated through conduction, meaning it's sitting directly on a hot surface. This is considered inferior to convection, where the material is heated by hot air passing through it. Convection heating is also more efficient and I believe most people think it produces better flavor as well.


Ah, thanks for the reply. It is a conduction vapouriser. I hadn't realised the conduction itself was inefficient, though I was aware of the thing about the dome. I ususally reclaim the condensed goodness using a quick wash with 99% isopropanol, but it would be nice if I didn't have to do that.
What are the best value convecton vapes you'd recommend though?

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
i think the fundamental problem with your dome style vape is the airflow, i.e. the lack of air passing directly through the heated herb, instead of waiting for the vapor to boil off the herb to get into the air flow.

Perhaps you could add a tube from the air intake directly to the herb platform (make sure it doesn't melt). Well, i've never seen one of these vapes in person -- maybe it already does that?

For me, the most important features of a vaporizer are accurate temperature control, regardless of the cooling effect of the air flow, and a temperature display so i know the vape is performing properly.

And i prefer an all glass air path - no metal screen, no plastic tubing.
Hippie Dickie,


Ah, it does actually have an air inlet, but it goes past the electronics and the passage into the tubing is before the metal platform, hence inefficiency. It also has an analogue temperature dial on the power cable, so I suspect it's just a variable resistor, so not really accurate. I'm thinking of buying this one though :

I know it's not exactly top of the range, but for now at least, I've realised I can't really afford a top of the range one.


Out to lunch
apart from a bit of that burnt-popcorny taste when I'm nearing the end of the bowl
That's normal. My first vape was this type- 1st generation conduction. You'll be amazed at the difference a good convection model will make. I'd recommend starting here, with Vaposhop's FC discount code-

The Da Buddha is an excellent value and will fall within your price range with the 10% discount. You'll probably need a voltage adapter though.

EDIT has a decent selection of vapes, but you'll pay more. I'd recommend the Vapolution from their selection, although for the money, I'd go with the Da Buddha.

You can also take advantage of FC discounts from top dealers like Puffitup, Vapeworld, etc., as long as they'll ship to your location.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
well, that link doesn't work for me. in fact, ebay in the uk doesn't work either. ebay/usa is okay.
Hippie Dickie,


Out to lunch
Ah, it does actually have an air inlet, but it goes past the electronics and the passage into the tubing is before the metal platform, hence inefficiency. It also has an analogue temperature dial on the power cable, so I suspect it's just a variable resistor, so not really accurate. I'm thinking of buying this one though :

I know it's not exactly top of the range, but for now at least, I've realised I can't really afford a top of the range one.
The one you're linking 'should' perform better than what you've got, since it's convection, but it's a cheap knockoff and the construction materials for the guts, as well as the air path, are iffy at best. If it were me, I'd keep using the conduction unit until I could afford a name brand vape from a company you can actually contact.


Ahh, fair enough. I'll go have a look through those recommended retailers (at least the ones that ship here)

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I got one of those orb style vaporizers a few years ago.
IMO it was a great big waste of money.
It gave me very little vapor, and gave me hardly any effects.

It made me think vaporizing was a bunch of crap, and I kept combusting.

I got the SSV (A very similar model to the Da Buddha that Max mentioned above) a bit over a year ago, and it is a completely different experience.
I got actual vapor, awesome taste, and none of the nastiness of combusting :tup:

So if you've been happy with one of those orb vapes for a year, I can't imagine you will be anything but in love with a Da Buddha.


I see "water filter" on that link but no "water cooling".

I'm guessing that this is the water filters/coolers. Though for the price listed, maybe they just mean the adapter?

How does it work, does it work well etc.?

Adds moisture and cools the vapor, which should help/fix your sore throat problem. IMO its a must if you're a chronic vape user.


Wow them adapters are so pretty, I think I'll grab a pink one, :p.

I've been looking around for a 18mm elbow like that, though I wanted one that was straight up and down, but that is the cheapest I've seen them. Sweet.

Now if I'm allowed to order, :D


Ooh, those are pretty. Also, damn, I was just about to buy the Da Budda from that site, but their site seems to be having technical difficulties if you try to actually buy anything.


I already just bought it from some guy on ebay for £140 ^^. But that site looks good, I'm favouriting it in general.
Also, I have to say, I like your username J.R.R.Tokin' xD.


Wych Doctor
Tyvm :D - I think you'll be blown away by the difference between the DBV and your globe. It may seem like a lot of cashola up front but it's a damn solid unit, can last you many years if you treat it right and you'll be ripping fat clouds in no time. If you don't already have a bong of some description now is the time to get one - that's if you want to take those huge vapor rips without coughing a lung.


I do have a glass bong that used before I quit smoking. I'm assuming I'd need an adapter peice or a big wad of blu-tac or something though?


Wych Doctor
Nah, usually you can just stick the whip into the downstem and get a good seal. Depends on the fittings on your bong. Time to get it out and clean it good and proper!
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