Multi-brand Puri5 Titantic 2/Weeke Fenix


Well-Known Member
So I got an edit the convector from everyonedoes it today and there actually is a difference between it and the Fenix I got from alibaba. The convector has a harder more plasticky feeling body as opposed to the smoother matte/rubbery feeling Fenix. I kinda like the feel of the Fenix but I noticed that the convector smells a lot less out of the box due to not using that material, so I'd say the convector is better overall. That matte material is kinda stinky.


Well-Known Member
It's actually gonna be a while before I use either of them so I can't really say. Sorry lol. I really doubt there will be a difference functionally though.


Author, Teaming Series of Organic Grow Books
So, my conductor's came last night. I tried it out and I am very impressed. I am trying for a second time this morning, and I'm even more impressed.

Absolutely no learning curve.

Very nice taste. Clean is the word. This is going to be a spoiler for those who first get into FC and try subsequent vaporizers.

It is a cloud beast, at least at the second level. I have not had to take it up any higher.

Heat up time is extremely fast.

The form and feel and even the mouthpiece are good. It's very light.

My only complaint is that the lights are in the wrong location and can be a bit irritating as they're in your face. However, you can angle the way You hold the unit.

At under $50, if they last, everyone should get at least one. Maybe after I tried a few times more, I left the number you should buy!

better than the air and solo? I'm gonna have to think about it, which means at least in the same class. It does use batteries, and they are not replaceable.

what are you waiting for? It's a steal no, it is absolutely a felony, to be able to get this thing in under $50.



The start up is extremely fast. I have to time it. I was stunned.


Well-Known Member
Just received my unit yesterday. My opinion will have to be taken with a big grain of salt since my only prior Vape is a mflb. But seriously loving this thing. Currently dankrupt, so tested out the new toy with some ABV from the mflb and got pretty far with that. Granted, that may say more about my mflb technique than anything else. Surprised by how much smoother this thing is too.

Edit: My unit is the convector from edit. Edit edit edited.


New Member
I have one of these on the way, should be here tomorrow. I already have a Pax 2 and Firefly 2. I was gonna buy a used Mighty for $200 but been lurking here for a while and thought might as well try one of these first to cure my VAS.
I too ordered an EDIT Convector as the price is unbeatable. Definitely worth a try. I have an occasionally used MFLB ( my first vape, which i don't use more frequently because it just requires more work with all the shaking between hits, and is really a one-person device since the learning curve prevents easy passing around with friends who have never used it), and 4 different but similar vapes from Flowermate - FM v5.0, FM v5Mini, and FM v5Pro, and a FM Aura which tends to get a hot mouthpiece too quickly. I was seriously thinking of getting a CF or CFX , or even a Crafty, but then found out about this $50 convection vape here on FC. I should be getting it on Thursday per USPS tracking.


Mods should soon start a new forum named :D !

Rest of my vapes are now free giveaways for my friends! This thing just simply the one I've been hoping for for so many years! Thank you China!


Author, Teaming Series of Organic Grow Books
At the very least, we need to change the name of this thread to the edit conductor


At the very least, we need to change the name of this thread to the edit conductor

In my rebellion mind we (a forum) should regulate the market, and not the other way around - by loud public echoes of criticizing overpiced rebrands but promoting value choosen by quality and affordability, hence the topic should include the overall picture including all fake, misleading information like different names for same thing. When a company trying to rip me off by trying to sell a 25$ device for 250$, I think I have the right to voice my anger. Fuck them!

Apart from misspelling “Weecke” and “Titanic” in the thread`s title - it could also be updated as : Weecke Fenix aka. Puri5 Titanic 2/EDIT Convector/Utillian 720/Tsunami Eruption ... BTW Utillian 720 I just discovered ...for 219$ :mental:


Well-Known Member
so I just got my edit convector from everyonedoes it, and i've been liking it a lot. But my oven has an audible ticking sound. Its very quiet but when you hold it up to your ear you can definitely hear it. does anyone else have this?
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Chronic vapaholic
It's fine. It's related to the PWM signal sent to the heater, sometimes it clicks in the audible range. Not sure what exactly is doing it, could be inductors, could be piezo effect on some tiny caps, just the heater itself, but it's perfectly fine and all digital vapes I own produce some kind of sound or another.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reassurance!

So I didn't really like the stock screen in this thing so I popped it out. I leave the oring on, and instead drop an arizer basket screen. It fits in the bowl and it clogs less for me (I swear those screens never clog on me). The magnet on the mouthpiece works well for taking it out so I don't have to worry about it being hot. I also put in a screen on the bottom, the stock screen that came in the bottom of the original cfx fit perfectly and after a few sessions doesn't come out anymore. I'm really liking this thing
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reassurance!

So I didn't really like the stock screen in this thing so I popped it out. I leave the oring on, and instead drop an arizer basket screen.

I'm having trouble picturing what this is looking like? Did you replace the screen in the mouthpiece with the basket arizer one?
Temporarily out of stock on everyonedoesit. Hopefully they keep the sale price if they bring it back.
Wow! I guess I ordered mine just in time, but I wish I had ordered two. It arrived via USPS this afternoon and I'm charging it up. Looks pretty solid and well-made. Looking forward to testing it out after a burn-in later today.


Well-Known Member
Temporarily out of stock on everyonedoesit. Hopefully they keep the sale price if they bring it back.

Well, don't I I feel lucky!

I placed 2 orders, for a total of 3 units. All 3 have arrived, and my wife and I are loving 2 of them. As I think I've mentioned, my brother will soon be gifted the 3rd. It's a no-brainer birthday gift for an old stoner.
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2 in bits and pieces already :) At least ten gets gifted or given away for same price amongst friends, keeping two, and not sure about the rest 8, but I didn't believe for a minute this price will last for long. I also got bombarded with 10% discount codes, was one for 24h use only, so I decided to dive in the second lot of 10 :D Not selling sorry !!


Well-Known Member
Here is the screen replacement I did. No more stock screen, leave the oring on for a seal. Drop arizer screen in on top of the load.

Mouthpiece on the left
Vape on the right
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