Slightly Medicated
(SliM) Iron Lungs
More of less then a DaVinci? Not in thickness but volume. Does that make sense?
I think you're right and pushing down on the cap for 2 seconds pushes the ring to activate the heating element.Personally, it makes since from a design standpoint. They want you to be able to push the flowers down into the chamber. The silicone is touching the heat chamber. If it was made of another material people would not be able push the flowers down in to the chamber very easily. It feels similar in concept to the DaVinci loading chamber.
I have not seen how the cap goes on but I assume it rests on the silicone? It would make since that pushing down on the cap would push it down into the silicone making it more airtight and improving airflow. I have not see up close how the lid/cap works so I could be completely off base.
I say more.More of less then a DaVinci? Not in thickness but volume. Does that make sense?
Is that plastic around the bowl or teflon?
There are some high temp plastics out there but it would be nice to know what it's made of...
YeahI love it! All the stealth that went into this product looking innocuous and the travel bag says in light gray lettering 'Discreet Vape'! LOL China!
I am beginning to think my brown truck driver is avoiding me.
hyperlink a direct link to the video, not a webpage with the video on it, where did you host it?![]()
I hope I did this correctly, it is my first vid, so please bear with me.
30 minutes later and still a plastic taste in my mouth.
Read the thread. Puffit Vaporizer (representing the manufacturer) has said a couple of times that it is food-grade silicone.
30 minutes later and still a plastic taste in my mouth.
Push it into the silver cap. In between draws twist the cap a little to stir your blend.Anyone figure out how the round stirring tool is supposed to work?
Thanks for the clarification, I appreciate your time and effort in responding.Re: the silicone.
Yep the ring around the top is food grade silicone. this is for two reasons 1: it handles extremely high temps so it won't melt or degrade. 2: its not a good thermal conductor, which means the heat stays in the bowl and isn't transfered to the housing so quickly. So both top and bottom of the chamber have silicone isolators wrapped tightly around them . It also serves as a bit of an air tight seal so the only air flowing through comes in the top as fresh air rather than past all the electronics and such.
Let's do this the old fashioned way, nice packaging, blah blah blah, some accessories, you've seen it already, on to the meat.
I started with some excellent quality materials for my first session, I am so excited, I think I am having an asthma attack.
I started at between 5 and 6, which is supposed to be around 370 degrees, had a nice heat up time of under 30 seconds, and my first hit was barely perceivable. What was perceivable was a very plastic taste, clean is not the word I would use to describe it, but as with other models, this may burn off after time, this is just my first out-of-the-box impressions.
After reading VaporsVaporizers review I decided to bump it up to between 6 and 7, thinking I might get a solid visual hit, and I could taste it, but it sure wasn't thick, and again with the plastic.
Took a few more hits at the maximum setting which is 8, temp setting of 430 degrees, still no visable vapors.
After I wrote the above (sorry for the delay, internet problems, we live kind of out in the sticks) I went back and tried another round, packing it tighter than the first time, and had better luck. I was getting some small clouds, and even coughed on one hit, maybe my grind needs to be finer, I was running on 8 and was having pretty decent luck, walking away quite medicated.
The plastic taste was still there but not as strong as the first time, but still not right in my book, I am used to the super clean hits from the T1, and this taste wasn't doing it for me.
I will continue to give this a try, so far it is decent, although I would have a hard time not buying an Iolite for almost the same money, the Iolite never had a strong plastic taste.
Overall I would give it a 7 out of 10, neat design, I don't think 99.9% of the population would give it a second look, decent vapors, and I am well medicated.
I guess my only complaint is the plastic taste, which is a big deal to me, I really enjoy the taste of pure flower essence, the plastic taste to me is a real turn off.
I hope my review has not been too harsh, mine is only one experience out of many to come, and I may have received the one with extra plastic taste crystals. But I do feel a need to inform our community of what the real deal is, it is only good karma to be truthful.
Yes, it is there whether it is cold or warm, and it is starting to subside a bit, I am through 3 cycles on the battery and the same number of bowls.Hey Guys.
Glad people are enjoying it!
Re: Plasticy taste
Interestingly Dogman, you are the first to complain of this. But I'll look into it. Perhaps something small has changed in the production process. I'll get back to you. Can you tell me if the taste is there when the unit is cold or only when hot?
Thank you for your concern Andrew, customer service means a lot to me, the fact that you are concerned and looking into the issue makes me breathe a little better, I appreciate the post.
no matter who I buy it from here in the US, GV will make a profit. As of now, I'm just not willing to support that with my money. No reward for what they tried to pull from me.
Andrew, I don't normally pry into a guy's business plans, but may I please ask is there any chance of buying one through another channel? I fully understand if you choose to ignore such a question, in fact I kind of expect it. I understand this will not impact your sales numbers, but it's a principle issue you know.....
i also would buy one through a non-GotVape channel. (them putting .com ads into the vape packages we were selling retail in LHS makes me not want to give them my money)
Now the dislike. Hate the stirring tool. The cap design only allows about 110 degrees of back and forth movement, not a full 360 degrees necessary to get a good stir. From my testing, it just moves it back and forth, not really stirring it at all.